The Core | Ch. 8

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"WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HUMAN??" asked Papyrus when Sans walked in the door, or lack thereof, without you with him. Sans had teleported back to the house to tell Papyrus that he was going to be gone a bit longer than expected.

"Its about Frisk. Something bad might happen to her. Soon, too. I'm gonna have to leave in about twenty or thirty minutes" Sans said with a serious expression.


"No, Papyrus, its too dangerous!" he looked a little bit hurt by Sans's words.

"SANS, PLEASE?" Papy begged Sans. Sans's didn't want him going on this journey because, yea, it was dangerous, but also because Sans hadn't seen this timeline before. What if something happened to him?

"I'm sorry, Papyrus, but no" Sans eye lights vanished meaning he was serious.

"FINE" Papyrus was upset he couldn't come with, but he understood it was probably for the best.

~Le skip back to you

Alphys had asked a favor of you: to go and fix one of the cameras in Waterfall. Being the kind person you are, you told her you would.

"Ah, great, someone's in the path up ahead" you quietly griped.

You approached the monster laying in the path. It was a ghost that kept repeatedly saying "z", pretending it was sleeping.

"Um, excuse me? I was just trying to get through and-" you were interrupted.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to get in your way." he apologized.

"No worries, it's okay! I'm (Y/N), by the way."

"I'm Napstablook"

"Nice to meet you" you said, almost forgetting what you had set out to do.

"Look, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I'm in a bit of a rush, and really need to get this camera somewhere fixed." As much as you wanted to stay and chat, you did have to find and get this camera fixed.

"Oh, okay. Sorry, I didn't mean to be a bother to you..." said the ghost.

"It's okay, you weren't a bother." you told him and he floated off the somewhere to the side.

After passing Napstablook, you kept walking and search for the broken camera. After finding the area Alphys described, you carefully reached behind the waterfall and felt around for the broken camera and grabbed it out when you did. Alphys had given you step by step instructions on what to do to fix it, so you had followed those instructions then replaced the camera.

Ring, ring!

"H-hello?" answer Alphys.

"Hey, it's me! Is the camera behind the waterfall on the bridge back up and running?" you asked her, just to be sure you didn't come all the way out here for nothing.

After a moment of silence accompanied by a few footsteps and clicks, she finally replied with, "Y-yeah, its up! Thanks a ton, (Y/N)!"

"No problem!"

"Oh, Sans just returned a few m-minutes ago. I can s-send him to come get you if you don't walk t-to walk all the w-way back.." she offered.

"As much I hate teleporting, sure. It's quicker than walking all that way."

"Okay! I'll t-talk to you when you get back!" Before you could reply, she had already hung up. Sans had shown up as Alphys promised and before you knew it you were back at the lab.

"Hey, punks!" a familiar voice greeted. Since you left, Undyne had showed up. Upon closer inspection, so had Mettaton. He was sitting on a counted behind Undyne and next to Alphys.

{DISCONTINUED} Finding Home | Undertale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now