Saying Goodbye

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Although this is not part of Hazel's, Scorpius's, Albus's, or Rose's story, I wanted to add this part as a memorial of some sorts for one of the most influential actors in the movies: Alan Rickman, who played Severus Tobias Snape. 

On Thursday, January 14, 2016, Alan Rickman lost the battle against cancer. We all know him from his movies, most noticeably the Harry Potter movies. I always get a little teary when Nagini strikes to kill Snape. But today, when he actually died, it was very hard moment indeed. 

So, I just wanted to share a couple of the best moments that Alan Rickman has done in the Harry Potter movies. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. All Harry Potter fans need support today.

"Turn to page 294." (Who can forget this one? The way that he said it, all Sirius and not breaking face.)

"Weasley's wand causes devistation with the simpliest of spells. We'll be sending whats left of Potter to the hostipal wing in a matchbox." (Ah, the classic I-Hate-Gryffindor and Slytherin-is-the-Greatest. Which I agree with. Slytherin forever.)

Potter: "It was Malfoy." Snape: "That is a very serious accusation, Potter. Your evidence?" Potter: "I just know." Snape: You just know? Once again you astound me with your gifts, Potter. Gifts mere mortals can dream of possessing. How grand it must be, to be the chosen one." (Do I have to say anything else?)

Umbridge: "You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?" Snape: "Yes." Umbridge:"But you were unsuccessful?" Snape: "Obviously." (The word with one syllabal lasts forever. How does he do it?)

Dumbledore: "All this time?" Snape: "Always." (So sad. Snape's confessing his long love for Lily Evans outloud to Dumbledore)

Thank you for your time entertaining us, Alan Rickman. RIP, from Harry Potter fans everywhere. 

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