Chapter Thirty-Three: Him Again (Scorpius)

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*Hi everyone! Sorry that this chapter is so short, I'm a little at a loss about what to write about from here to when Rose gets-- Sorry, can't tell you. Thanks for reading!


 "You know, Hazel," I said casually, unable to keep the triumph that had been with me for the entire week. "I'm surprised you're so happy, since Slytherin lost the match on Saturday."

Hazel snorted and punched me playfully in the shoulder. At least she thought it was playful. My sister spent too much time hitting Bludgers and whatnot, it had considerable increased her arm strength. Good for her, but not for me, who was continually on the receiving end of that strength, on the pitch and off.

"And also, because of Potter," I said tentatively, afraid of another punch.

Hazel stared at me, white blond hair bouncing slightly. Then she grinned and shifted her schoolbooks onto her hip, head tilted.

"Scorp, you are a great Seeker and you beat Prince. That's the only reason Hufflepuff won. If you weren't," she sniffed," we would have won. Because Slytherins are better than Hufflepuffs."

I rolled my eyes at my sister. If she noticed it she didn't say anything.

"And about Albus..." she shrugged. "He's trying to repair our friendship. He hasn't told me about why he said those things, but I really do want to be his friend again."

A surge of both anger and fear lurched in my stomach. "Am I not good enough for you?" I turned and began walking down the hallway. I had missed my sister for the entire five months we had been at Hogwarts, as all of her time was taken up by spending time with Potter.

"Scorp! Wait!" Hazel dashed after me and grabbed my shoulder. "Why are you so angry about this?"

I turned around and glared at the face so much like my own. "Nothing," I muttered. I sure wasn't going to share my fears with her.

Hazel looked at me closely for a moment, then her eyes softened and she shrugged. "Okay, I won't bother you about the matter, Scorp. You don't have to like my friends." She strode down the hall, then called back to me. "Come on, Scorp! We'll be late for Herbology if you don't hurry up!"

Well that was, unexpected, I thought, walking with Hazel to the Slytherin and Hufflepuff Herbology class. I never expected for Hazel to just give up on getting information then and there.

Why didn't I like Albus? I pondered that for a moment. He was fine, sure, but misgivings floated beneath the surface. The truth was, I had seen Potter look at Hazel, and I'm pretty sure that he had a lot more than friendship on his mind.

I shook my white blond hair out of my face. "You're being ridiculous, Scopius," I told myself. "Hazel dosen't need you to make her decisions for her."

"Exactly, dear brother," Hazel replied. I looked up in alarm as I realized she had been listening to me. She took my arm, clad in a yellow and black sweater. "Now hurry up or Professor Longbottom's gonna throw Devil's Snare at us." She observed me carefully. "And I'm sure Hufflepuff doesn't want their Seeker to be food for a plant."

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