Chapter Thirty-Four: The Last Farewell (Hazel)

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 Dad sent Accio to Scorpius and I right before Easter vacation. Scorpius took one look at the owl and turned his back on it, saying that he was staying at Hogwarts over break.

"Relax, Scorp," I breathed, taking the small yellow piece of parchment from the owl. I stoked Accio's feathers. "Lucias and Narcissa are in Azkaban. Only Mum and Dad are at home."

"Still not going to Malfoy Manor," Scorpius replied.

I rolled my eyes and unrolled the parchment to read the elegantly scripted handwriting, written in blood red ink.

To my dearest children,

I know that both of you want to stay at Hogwarts for Easter vacation, but I want to tell you, mainly Hazel, that the Ministry is letting me bring my family to visit Lucias and Narcissa. They're dying. Mum won't be going, but I would like one of you to consider coming. Please send a reply quickly, and keep getting smarter,

Your father (Draco Malfoy)

I widened my eyes and turned to my brother. "Scorp! Lucias and Narcissa are dying."

Scorpius sighed. "Thank goodness."

"I know you hate them," I said irritably," but that doesn't mean that you can be happy about them dying." My brother shrugged, and I continued speaking. Scorpius hadn't said a word about Albus's and I's newly repaired friendship, so I wasn't going to pressure him about this.

"Anyway, Dad's wondering if we want to visit them. You know, as a goodbye." I swallowed uncomfortably. Lucias and Narcissa had never been model grandparents or anything, but they were still family."

Scorpius's eyes blazed. "You're asking me? They hate me, Hazel! And they hate you and Mum and sort of Dad as well. I don't even know why you are bothering with them."

"So that's a no," I said cheerfully, struggling to not slug him in the shoulder. Scorpius had this new attitude ever since the Hufflepuff VS Slytherin match. I snapped my finger, and Accio tilted his had at me. I reached into my school bag, and amongst the bent Muggle books, found a crumpled Pre-Inked quill.

Dear Dad, Scorpius does not want to go, but I will come. Love you! —Hazel, I scribbled on the back of the parchment. I held it out, pale skin glistening in the morning sun's light.

"Take it to Dad, okay, 'ccio?" The owl hooted and took the letter in his beak, then flew off to rejoin the wave of other owls, sent to deliver letters and whatnot.

I turned back to my brother, who moodily chomped on a muffin. "You were the one who said that we should be proud of the Malfoy name," I reminded him.

He swallowed. "I didn't say we had to be proud of them." He spat the word out like it was a curse. "Just everyone else."

I opened my mouth, then closed it. Then opened it again. "They're family, Scorpius." He looked at me as I said his real name. "We have to still care, even though they are awful people."

"That's why it's good we're twins. You can care about them, so I don't have too." Scorpius looked like what he just said made sense, and I stared at him because it didn't.

"O... Okay," I said. I guess there's no use arguing with him. Sometimes it's like Professor Wong or someone put a Babbling Beverage in his milk. I can't even understand him half the time. And we are twins!

"Remember; if you let one of these prisoners touch your wand you're going behind bars too," a disheveled man said. He stared especially hard at Dad. "Okay, Malfoy. Go ahead and make your patronous. The Dementors will try and kiss you if you don't."

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