Chapter Thirty-Eight: Where No Slytherin Has Gone Before (Hazel)

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 "You shouldn't be out here. It's almost curfew."

I looked up to the portrait, seeing who the Gryffindors christened as "the Fat Lady" looking down on me.

"I know I'm not supposed to be out here," I said. "So can you let me in?"

"No!" The Fat Lady looked insulted and drew herself to her full height. "You do not have the password. And you are not a Gryffindor."

"But my best friend just won a Quidditch match and I really really need to go congratulate him."

"Can't it wait until morning?"

I glared at the portrait. "Please? He's my best friend, Albus Severus Potter." I wasn't sure if mentioning Albus's last name would do any good, but there was no harm in trying.

The Fat Lady pursed her lips. "Fine." The portrait swung itself open, revealing the fire-lit figures of excited Gryffindors.

"Really?" I was shocked. "Thanks!" I didn't expect that to work, I thought, climbing into the portrait hole. I stood a little after and observed the Gryffindor Common Room. Red and gold banners were draped over every surface, and on top of that, sweets and flagons of juice from who knows where covered the surface.

A fire blazed in the hearth, which was not really needed in the warming April weather. Slytherins, of course, needed the fire because we lived in the damp dungeons. Three six-year boys were letting out gigantic bubbles from their wands, and The Weird Sisters music was being blasting out of a small radio on the floor, broadcasted from the WWN. The Common Room was a little too boisterous and comfortable for my liking, but it certainly had more life then the Slytherin one.

A thin dark-skinned girl about two feet taller, wearing a red and gold hijab almost ran over me. She held me for balance, then smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry," she giggled, then focused on my face. "Hey, you're that Malfoy girl, right?" she spluttered to a stop and her mouth hung open. "How on Earth did you get into our common room?"

"I flew in the window," I said dryly. "Do you know where Albus is?"

Her hijab was hiding most of her face, but I could clearly see the expression of shock and anger on it. "You are not supposed to be here! This is the Gryffindor Common Room, not the Slytherin one!"

"Yeah, no kidding."

The girl was speechless, and I pushed past her, into the fray of loudly talking Gryffindors. I soon found Albus, who was sitting on a window-seat in the wall, looking like he was trying to hide from his housemates.

"Hey Albus," I said. He looked up and his jaw dropped.

"Hazel," he said very slowly. "How did you get it here?"

The Gryffindors weren't very original if they were going to keep asking my the same questions over and over again.

"I flew in the window," I repeated. "No, Albus. The Fat Lady let me in. You Gryffindors better get a better security guard if you don't want every single house coming in and crashing your parties."

Albus grinned weakly. "Okay. Why are you here?"

"To congratulate you, of course!" I grinned as well. "Gryffindor's in the finals. Now I better go before the Bloody Baron catches me after curfew."

"Did you seriously just break into our Common Room to say three sentences to me? And what would the Bloody Baron do to you? He loves you Slytherins."

"More than three sentences," I said, and turned to leave the Common Room. "Good luck on defeating Hufflepuff, Albus."

"Hufflepuff? Are you seriously thinking that I won't catch the Snitch from Malfoy in the first five minutes?" James Potter arrogantly strutted to my side and ran his fingers thorough his hair. He did a double take once seeing my loose green and silver tie. "How did you get in here, Malfoy?"

I stared at him. "Why does every single Gryffindor have to ask me that?"

"Um, maybe because you're in our Common Room?" James said sarcastically. He glared at his brother over my shoulder. "Albus! Did you give her the password?"

Before Albus could speak I glanced up at James. "No. The Fat Lady let me in."

James rolled his eyes and gestured to the tunnel in the wall, leading back to the castle hall. "Leave, Malfoy."

"I was just going to do that," I hissed, and roughly bumped him with my shoulder.

"Wait, Hazel! Where are you going this time? The Hufflepuff Common Room, perhaps?" Albus leapt out of his window seat and walked to the portrait hole with me.

"Very funny. I'm going back to my Common Room." I pushed open the portrait tentatively, and jumped to the floor, landing softly on my feet. "The Slytherin one, Albus, in case you need more clarification."

Albus landed beside me, and the portrait closed behind him. He turned around and waved to the Fat Lady.

"See you." He turned back to me. "Can I come with you?" I stared at him. "I'm bored. Just let me come down to the dungeons with you, okay? Then I'll come back."

"If you're bored, walking around at night is hardly going to quench a thirst for action."

"Do you want me to go insane with all of my teammates telling me to not let it in so many goals? That's all they've been telling me for the last couple of hours."

"You poor thing. I feel so sorry for you."

"So can I walk to the Common room with you?"

"I can't stop you, can I?"

"You can't." 


I hope you all enjoyed reading this-- I like to think that it's my best chapter. Be sure to vote and/or comment!

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