Chapter Thirty-One: Slytherins Are Losers (Albus)

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 The Gryffindor Quidditch team conversed quietly before the Slytherin-Hufflepuff match began. Nilo Hemingway, who came from a very wealthy and well-known Wizarding family lowered his voice, which was still a yell to be heard over the screams from Slytherins and Hufflepuffs alike. The Ravenclaws and Gryffindors just watched, unwilling to wear any support of the other side. We all knew they were voting for Hufflepuff of course.

With a grimace I touched the back of my head, where there was faint bruise from Dumbledore's Army club. I knew that Hazel meant to get that spell wrong. She just didn't get things wrong. I didn't blame her for cursing me, though. I would curse myself, too. I thought grimly. So far it had been two weeks since we stopped begin friends, and James was still blackmailing me to continue not being friends.

I should tell Professor McGonagall, she could stop James, I thought. I knew that I wouldn't listen to myself, though. I loved James very much— he was my brother! I could not just turn him in like that. But I loved, I mean, liked Hazel and liked Scorpius very much as well. I could not risk their lives.

"Watch closely on both teams," Hemingway said, his voice jolting me out from my mental tug-of-war. "We'll be playing Ravenclaw next week, and after that— when we win against Ravenclaw— be playing either of these two. Learn their tricks."

I nodded, thankful to get my mind off of Malfoys and Potters for a while. The team left their huddle, and sat beside me. The warmth of everyone's bodies made the late March air warmer, and I stopped sitting on my hands.

Emanuel Oke, the Ravenclaw was commentating again. As soon as two lines of players entered the field, he launched into his speech.

"And now the players are entering the pitch. The Hufflepuffs are looking confident today, this is the best team they've had in years! They're one of the favorites to win the cup, although I wouldn't count Ravenclaw out!"

There were boos from all three other houses. Ravenclaw had lost every single game so far, any team could beat them.

Oke plunged on. "On the Hufflepuff team we've got Jack Prince, one of the Beaters. Next there's Hope Grace, Chaster, who will still not go out with me. Very attractive, that girl."

I chuckled as I saw one of the Chasers flush pink. Oke smiled and went on. "And there's Malfoy, Seeker. There are first-years on every team but Ravenclaw," he said," which is surprising, due to the fact that they almost never make the team. Malfoy suffered a bad injury in his last game, but apparently is back to beat Slytherin."

The houses roared at his last statement. Everybody but Slytherins wanted them to lose. Ever since my Dad left Hogwarts, the green and silver colors had won the cup over and over again.

"And now the Slytherin team!"— There were boos from mostly the Gryffindor side—" Finally they've got a Captain who's mediocre, at least. Atticus Hershel, Seeker, has changed this team and let a girl on it for the first time in many years. He's also led his team to one win and one loss, whereas Hufflepuff's won all of their games. No contest to see which teams better!"

I glared up at the commentator's podium. It was Slytherin's job to be mean and bully everyone, not a Ravenclaw.

"And now Madam Hooch is preparing the blow her whistle!" shouted Oke. "And... they're off! Right away Grace grabs the Quaffle, and together the Hufflepuff chasers are darting across the field, and— oh! You stinkin' Slytherin!" he roared. Hazel waved her Beaters Bat triumphantly, green robes fluttering behind her. She had just hit a Bludger into the fray of Hufflepuff chasers, and Hope Grace had dropped the Quaffle.

"And after that piece of digesting, cowardly play," Oke said," Slytherin's in possession. Number one Chaser's leading the rest, and now their going into a Hawkshead Attacking formation! And Slytherin scores!" he said rather unenthusiastically.

I booed with three quarters of the crowd.

"I really don't want to play Slytherin," I muttered. Hazel would probably brain me with a Bludger if we did, and I liked my head how it was.

"Ten-zero Slytherin, and now Hufflepuff's in possession. Howard, Slytherin Beater's rearing up to hit a Bludger, but ouch— that must've hurt!" Kelvin Howard was grabbing onto his broom woozily, blood dripping onto the field below. "Howard dodges a Bludger, and knocks himself in the nose while doing so. Really Slytherin?"

A small figure flew up to Howard. Hazel. She flew around him a couple of times, then dipped back down.

"And there's Malfoy, making sure her partner's okay. Hufflepuff's still in possession— Grace passes to Smith, he's gone back to Grace. Those two Chasers are passing back and froth to each other— don't know where they're going with this..."

Like two hornets, Smith and Grace kept passing the Quaffle to each other. They drew closer and closer to the Slytherin goal side, and the Slytherin Chasers were closing in. Then, a yellow streak flashed in-between the Slytherins, a Bludger speeding behind her.

"Arita King's now got the Snitch!" Shouted Oke. "She approaches the hoops, and, will Slytherin make it?" There was a beat, then a roar on the Hufflepuff side. "She's made it!" Screamed Oke, who was barely being able to be heard over the cheering Hufflepuffs.

"And Slytherin's Keeper, Poplar Zambini does not look happy. Look how's he's gripping his broom— oh, and Hufflepuff Beater Alexander Cupford hits a Bludger at Malfoy, she rolls and avoids it." He sounded very sad at that. "Slytherin's in possession now, they're passing it wildly now— Adams, Parkinson, back to Adams, now Blakent's got it, pass to Parkinson, and he droops the Quaffle!"

"The Seekers!" I breathed. Adams, one Slytherin chaser caught the Quaffle and the three began flying to the goals, but now everyones attention was on Jack Prince and Scorpius Malfoy. Both were flying after a small golden ball, neck and neck.

I watched as Jack Prince reached further for the Snitch, unbalancing himself. Seizing the moment, Scorpius increased his speed and was just going to grab it when Hazel shrieked something.

Like comets, the two Slytherin Beaters hit Bludgers towards the crowd of people. My heart plummeted as one flew straight towards me. Closer, closer. There were screams and curses, then the Bludgers ricocheted off of whatever enchantments the teachers had put around us.

Oke was practically dancing as he commentated. "Sorry, Slytherins! You're dirty little trick isn't going to work this time!" He laughed, then stopped as Scorpius landed on the pitch. "What— why is Malfoy on the grass?"

I watched as Scorpius looked around at the silent stadium, grinning. He raised one arm into the arm, showing everyone the Snitch pressed between his forefinger and thumb.

"Slytherins are losers! Slytherins are losers! Slytherins are losers!" The chant continued the entire way back to the castle. I wasn't cheering, but hopping up and down looking for Hazel. She and the rest of the Slytherins were in the middle of the other houses, who made their resentment to them clear. I wanted to tell her good job, even though I wasn't her friend anymore.

"Slytherins are losers! Slytherins are losers!"

"Hazel!" I yelled, ducking beneath a giant yellow banner that flashed different sayings like "Hufflepuff for the cup!" "Go Grace!" "Badgers are the best!" "Go Malf"— and so on.

"What?" said an exasperated voice. Hazel grabbed my flailing arms and stared at me. "What do you want, Potter? Here to tell me how I'm a filthy Malfoy again? Or how I tried to kill everyone with that Bludger?"

I took a deep breath, trying to summon up the courage that the Sorting Hat had seen in me. "No." I looked into her grey eyes. "I wanted to say good job." I extended a hand, and with some hesitation, Hazel shook it.

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