Seatbelts are rapist!

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I bit my lip staring at the clock clacking my pencils eraser, come on a few more minute till I'm out of here for my lovely weekend, heh and when I mean lovely weekend I mean some hot chocolate fuzzy pants and of course who could forget some Netflix.

I glanced at my friend Ariana from across the room and she gave me that anticipated look.

I bit my lip and snuck a glance at my crush Caleb but quickly turned away feeling my face tingle. The bell finally rang and I quickly picked up my already prepared packed back back up, from off the ground and smiled at Ariana latching my arm around hers and we lifted one of our arms up kinda striking that superman pose.

Yes, we're those dorks but I wouldn't want it any other way. "WOOO!" I opened my phone and smiled at Ariana she rolled her eyes knowing my tradition we do, as we walked to her moms car. Taylor's Swift song '15' played from my phone and fast forwarding to the chorus we sang like dying cows.

Me and Ariana we are an interesting group of friends, since this is our first year in high school yes we are the freshmen, the fresh meat potato patato! I met Ariana on the first day of school in sixth grade and we have been glued to each other's sides since then. Not much to tell really, people consider me the 'nerd' of the freshmen's, I mean I'm cute and stuff I think at least.

I just like school and like to do my school work. Snapping out of my daze and back to reality I turned off the music as we went into the back seats of Ariana's mom's which is a jet black BMW.

I smiled warmly at the familiar scent of that fresh leather, basically if anyone touches her car messily it's World War II! She's have had this car since the seventh grade and literally the smell of the car dealership is still there.

"Hi girls! Maia! Lovely to see you as always dear!!" I buckled my seatbelt and giggled at Ariana at our inside joke.

Seatbelt are rapist! They go between your breast okay that was a lot funnier in the sixth grade. "Awh thanks you too," I pushed a strand of my brunette hair behind my ear and turned to Ariana as we chatted about what happened in school today.
"Thanks for dropping me off Diane!" I shouted as me and Ariana pushed our stuff through my door way. I locked my house door because who doesn't it?

And made my way up the stairs, "Your home alone again?" I sighed nodding. My parents are rarely home their always on business trips, but they trust me to be a responsible adult.

Haha yeah like that ever will happen. I slammed my bedroom door shut and jumped on my bed landing face forward.

I lifted my head up and saw Ariana already checking her phone, this girl can not last a minute without checking the latest post.

I heard noise coming from the balcony and I groaned glaring at my balcony doors "Ethan," I muttered. I leaped out of my bed and pulled my pants up opening the big heavy doors. I saw the most popular guys at school with him.

Asher, Alec's, and Drew laughing over something he said. I glared and folded my arms over my chest and huffed. "Can you be a little more curdiest to those around you?!" They looked at me like I was crazy and then bursted out laughing.

I rolled my eyes and walked back in closing the balcony doors, not even giving them the time of day.

I turned around biting my lip and I saw Ariana smirk and I released my lip and put my arms down. "I don't like Ethan anymore!!" I whined. She shook her head in amusement and rolled her eyes and walked over to me patting my back, "it's fine to admit it M..." I felt tears prickle my eyes but I shook my head pursing my lips. "Tomorrow's my birthday A, it's going to be a year of him ignoring me... That summer was the best summer of my life, and it was all because of him..."

I heard ramble and go on about something but I kinda tuned out and went over to my mannequin.

I saw the blue dress hang tightly on the pale white fabric, and I gave a sad broken smile faintly. Blues his favorite color even though I know he's lying because it's so basic. I remember him telling me that yellow is his favorite because it makes everything brighter and last sadder.

I attach the yellow ribbon bow and wrap it around the waist and took the dress off the mannequin and hung it up in my closet. "I'm done staring at this, my birthday is tomorrow A! I'm turning 15, and I can't dwell over a boy who doesn't even bother looking my way,"

She nodded but said sadly, "I respect whatever you do..." She paused for a moment before a smile broke out on her face, "but I still ship ETHIA!!!" I laughed at the weird ship name A gave us, if their was an us and went over to my dresser pulling my hair into a messy tumblr bun.


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