Your beautiful Maia,

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Our eyes widened and we quickly went under water as we heard feet hit the water. "Huh, those kids lied to me!" I mentally rolled my eyes, what were we suppose to do?! Clean at 1am?

I mentally groaned as I realized we have no clothes on and scolded myself for being stupid. But yolo!!

I felt two arms around my waist and squirmed knowing it was Ethan. He pulled me against his chest, and I turned around laying my head on his chest. I quickly lifted my head up out of the water as did he taking a huge breathe of air in.

"Make a run for it and change in the car?" Yeah Ethan has a permit, but he still doesn't listen To his parents when they say you need an adult to be in the car with you.

I nodded and swam to the shore, "On three," I breathed as I saw mr.shit walk over the bridge again.

"3!" I squealed running to our towels and wrapped it around me picking up my clothes and running to the back  seat of his dad's pickup truck.

I quickly hopped in as did he and we slammed the doors locking it. The lights in the car dimmed out to blackness and all you could hear was our faint breathing.

We turned on the mini lights lighting up the car, and the windows are tinted so dark you can't see in or out.
I searched through my now sandy clothes and sighed. "Ethan," he smirked.

I held out my hand and he rolled his eyes giving back my bra and underwear. "Thanks," I said blandly.

He smirked and leaned over me kissing me lightly, I moved down so I was under him and not up against the door and we probably stayed like that for ten minutes. We broke apart and he brushed his nose against mine and I smiled.

"Your beautiful Maia," Ethan I whisper. As he lifted his arm to close all the lights. I quickly changed into his shirt and pulled on my underwear's.

Ethan did the same and obviously had no shirt on, since I stole it. We cuddled in the backseat and talked for like two hours, about our future and what we want out of it.

"You want to be a singer?" I nodded and sighed. "But it won't ever happen," I shook my head sadly.

"I wouldn't doubt yourself Maia, your capable of whatever you want to do, because when you put your head to it, you always somehow get it..." He said rubbing my stomach on circular motions.

"What about you, 'Mr.I'm so cool,'" he chuckled making his chest vibrate, and my skin to tingle.

"I'm not too sure yet... That scares me honestly," I touched his face. "Don't be, you will always have me by your side, okay? No matter what..." He lightly kissed my lips and pulled back.
I turned off the water in my shower and did my usual routine change, blow dry my hair, and change. Once I finished I hopped into bed and looked at my alarm clock.

5:00 it read, I smiled and rolled my eyes at how late we came home. I snuggled into my sheets and let darkness lead its course.
"Maia!" A voice shouted. "What?" I mumbled. "It's 3:00! Get your ass up!" I heard Liam walked closer over to my bed, which just made me dig my face more into my pillow.

I felt the covers be ripped off me and I groaned looking up at him and glaring. "Ariana's here!" I nodded and quickly threw on some clothes which was a white crop top and some dark colored jeans.

I brushed my hair and was shocked to see it was almost pin straight.
I smiled and out on a drop of pink lipgloss. I walked towards the door, not forgetting my phone of course, and twisted the handle and headed down stairs.

I think I chocked on my salvia as I saw what was presented in front of me.

My eyes widened and I started chocking, my best friend making out with my three year older brother.

"Liam!" I screeched covering my eyes. "Please take your makeout session to your room!!" Ariana pulled away blushing professedly and I laughed. "A," I wheezed out chocking on my laughter.

A got up, and walked over to me and pulled me outside the door and walked with me. We headed towards the sidewalk and she sighed.

"I'm confused..." I instantly knew what she was talking about and nodded. "Liam and Alec's?" She nodded and ran a hand through her hair.

"Ugh I don't know what to do, M!" I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. "How did you end up kissing Liam?" She bit her lip.

"I don't know! It just happened! We were just talking and then boom!" I giggled. And I saw Ethan walking and I smiled my heart fluttering. "Let's go! I know you want to!" I gave her an appreciative smile and walked over to Ethan.

He looked up and he smirked pulling my waist towards him, and resting his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely and smiled.

"Hey," he muttered. "Hey, what's up?" He shrugged and motioned his head towards his house. I nodded understandingly, his parents fight very often and it's been getting wort, he thinks a divorce might happen but he always brushes it off and says it won't happen.

I worry about him sometimes, he makes himself seem stronger than he really is... One person can only take so much...


These tears I cried at 15Where stories live. Discover now