Jesse and her crew started jogging to Lukas's.Their clothes were stained with purple blood and saliva.
Petra bounded over a log while everybody else went around it.
"I.Hate.Running!"Axel hissed.
"It's called jogging.There's a difference."Petra scoffed.
Olivia rolled her eyes and Jesse chuckled.
The mountains loomed up ahead,nearly covering the slowly lowering sun.
Shouts echoed over the mountains.
"I guess they're still fighting."Jesse said,starting to make her way up the mountain.
Suddenly an agonized scream came from the top.
"And they need help!"Petra exclaimed.
Olivia started to scramble towards the top of the mountain with a sudden burst of speed.
Jesse followed shortly after,wondering if any of The Ocelots had gotten killed.Or worse-bitten.
She got to the top.
No Endermen.
No infected Endermen.
Just three people writhing in pain on the ground,with a very scared Lukas near them.
"Lukas!"Jesse shouted.
"Jesse!"Lukas gasped."They got bitten-all of them!"
The whole crew got over.All of their eyes were purple.Purple.
Like an Endermen's.
"Oh god."Olivia covered her mouth.
Gill turned his now purple eyes to them.
"Aren't you listening to me?"Gill rasped."Lukas,you need to go."
"No!"Lukas leaned down."I'm not leaving you!"
Petra looked over at Aiden.The bite was on his arm.Aiden turned onto his stomach and vomited purple slime.Axel stared,mouth open.
"Lukas."Gill's voice turned more hoarse and deep."If you don't go,you'll be Infected too."
"But you're my friends!"Lukas protested,blue eyes threatening to overflow.
"You think we don't know that?That's why you have to stay alive.Be with the Order.Now."Maya rasped.
Petra grabbed Lukas's arm.Lukas stared into her eyes and after a moment,turned to Jesse.
"Soren.Soren.Soren...he must-he-he has to-...He...A cure!"Lukas stammered."He must have one."
Jesse put a hand on Lukas's shoulder and nodded.She glanced again at the three Ocelots.Aiden lay in a purple puddle of his own vomit.
"You're right.Gang,we're going to Soren's."
Well,that escalated quickly.
Will Soren have a cure?
With The Ocelots survive?
What happens when people become zombies?
I actually don't know.Yet.

At Dawn,We Rise
FanfictionAnd the stars danced,trying to give hope to the land. And the trees sung,but nobody heard them. And the Endermen prowled,drooling at the mouth. And the Order scampered,trying to avoid the imminent. Death by Infection.