On the way through the forest,Lukas covered his ears and whimpered.
"Poor baby."Petra rolled her eyes."Can't even hear them anymore."She whispered to Jesse.
"I know.But they're gonna turn into zombies and they're Lukas's friends."Jesse whispered back.
"We better get home and figure things out."Olivia said.
Axel nodded,speechless.
Unfortunately,their home had been taken apart by Endermen.
Days since Endermen were infected:4
It seems to me that there have been more Enderzombies roaming around.Getting bitten by one gives the victim two weeks of pain and transforming until they finally lose their minds.
Why am I writing this?Nobody is going to put this to use anyway.Hahah.So silly.
My dream is becoming part of the Order,but we all know that's not going to happen.Hahahah.
Am I going mad?Maybe.I'm not infected.Maybe it's the odds of me actually surviving this...
The whole world will perish.Maybe not.But if nobody finds a cure then the world will be over run with these Endermen.
At least the Endermen aren't hostile in the middle of the day.At dusk and dawn they are,or if they've been fighting the whole day.
It only seems like a dream.A worthless dream.A nightmare.I dunno what I'm talking about.

At Dawn,We Rise
FanfictionAnd the stars danced,trying to give hope to the land. And the trees sung,but nobody heard them. And the Endermen prowled,drooling at the mouth. And the Order scampered,trying to avoid the imminent. Death by Infection.