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For those who didn't know,I made a prequel.Basically Amber's story.


Amber stopped,watching Olivia slice a Silencer.Her hand was wobbly but she seemed to be winning the fight.

Oh geez.

At least one Enderperson had her in their sight.If they saw that Amber wasn't going to fight Olivia...Soren wouldn't be happy.

"Die already!"Olivia swung the sword but the Silencer teleported next to her.

Olivia saw it and landed a blow.The Silencer dissapeared,dead.

I'll have to fight someone else.Can't let her see me here.

Too late.


Dang it.

She faced Olivia.Too many emotions were shown on her face.

"Y-yes..."Amber said.

"You're in Soren's army?"Olivia gasped."But why?Can't you just not fight?"

Amber's stomach flipped,and it was hard not to just run away from everything.She looked up and saw Ivor watching her on an Enderperson.

If I don't fight,he'll blow the piece of wood.That'll hurt Olivia as well!And Petra too,she's probably here.

"It makes this terrible sound."Amber managed to get out."It hurts worse than anything."

"Can't you resist it?"

"It'll hurt you too."

"So what can I do then?"


Olivia blinked.Amber guessed that it was the last word she wanted to hear.

"Run,please."Amber pleaded."If I die,I want to die knowing that my first friend got away.I don't want to fight,but I have to fight."

"I'm not running."


Kloe swung her sword,cutting the person's arm.

"You should run."She advised him.

He looked at her with large brown eyes and then started scrambling away,only for a Silencer to pick him up.

"Kloe,this isn't going well."Sammy appeared at her side.

"I know,but soon this will be over,and we'll both be alive.I promise."Kloe promised."Now go kick some but,but use mercy.The Enderpeople may be loyal to Soren,maybe for the same reason we have to be,so they won't report if you let them run."

Sammy nodded and shifted,running away.Probably to help someone.

The shouting was loud though.

Kloe looked around,looking for anybody who might need help.

She spotted Amber,who seemed to be fine,but she was talking to someone.

Oh.That's the redstone person,right?

Her heart dropped when she saw Ivor watching.

If Amber won't fight,I'll have to.

Kloe shifted and began slinking behind the member of the Order.Her belly brushed the grass below.


Something slammed into Kloe's side,and the world spun for a moment.She lay on the ground and tried to scrambled to her feet.

Then pain exploded in her side.She yelped in pain,and realized that it was an iron sword.

Her energy drained fast as she bled.And she bled quite fast.

A familiar face stood over her,sword dripping with blood.

Her blood.

I'm going to die,and I never told Sammy.

The pain,though.

She couldn't get up.

"Kloe!Kloe!"She heard Sammy yell,but the figure didn't notice.Or maybe she did,but she thought Kloe was somewhere else.

The person raised her sword,and-


Amber was there,blocking the sword.

"Petra!"Amber rasped."This is Kloe!Remember Kloe?!"


Petra pulled back her sword.She had blanched.

Dark clouds started invading Kloe's vision.Not a good sign.


Sammy appeared at the edge of her vision and gasped.

"No.No.No.No no no.Nonono."He dropped his sword and went on his knees."Do something!"

"She's bleeding so bad."Amber whimpered.

Seeing Sammy and Amber reminded Kloe of the word game they played yesterday,just before the lights went out.

"Sammy,you go first."

"Just four words?"


"Have you two played this before?" Amber had pressed up against the bars with an eager expression on her face.Kloe had thought she might've liked a game.

"Yep.Now Sammy,four words."


"Wait,so Kloe,these are the first words that come into mind?"

"Yes,Amber.Now it's my turn,and I do five words,see?"

"So when it's my turn,I do six words."

"Yep.Now Kloe,do your words now."



"Yes,Sammy.Yay.Now it's Amber's turn."



Kloe mustered the strength to shift back to human.

"S-sammy..."She croaked."Love ya."

"I know.Don't die."Sammy grabbed her hand.

"Not like a brother..."

The clouds fully covered Kloe's vision,and she slipped away...

And away...

And away...

S ave.
A lways.
M ate.
M ight.
Y ay.



I didn't want to do that ; (

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