I really didn't want to kill Kloe...
"Noo-oooo."Sammy moaned."Kloeeeeee."
Kloe had gone limp,her eyes glazed.
"You promised."Sammy sobbed.
Amber bit her fist.This feeling...this was grief,right?
And I hardly knew Kloe.
"I didn't...."Petra choked put."I didn't know."
"I know,"Tears ran down Sammy's eyes."But...but I know what to do now."
"What are you going to do?"Amber asked.
He whispered in her ear.
"Oh...oh. Why didn't we think of this before?"Amber gasped.
Olivia stared at Kloe's body,then to Petra.She seemed to realize that Kloe had been in Soren's temple near them.
Petra had gone completely pale,and was trembling.
"They're not looking."Sammy noted,gesturing to Soren and Ivor.
Somewhere nearby,TNT exploded.Amber wasn't worried about that.They had something else to do.
"Hey!"Sammy called to an Enderperson above."Hey,you!"
After a moment,the Enderperson realized that he was being called for.
"Shouldn't you be fighting?"
"Shouldn't you?"Sammy retorted."We need to speak with Soren."
After a moment of hesitation,the Enderperson flew down.
"What about?"He asked,casting wary looks at Olivia and Petra.
"Everything.Every.Single.Thing."Sammy spat the last word.
His blood soaked hair was all ruffled up.He had fought a lot more than Amber did.
Well,I didn't fight at all.
The Enderperson smiled.
He let Sammy climb onto his back,then Amber clung onto his tail.
"Watch it,Axel!"Jesse snapped.
"Sorry."Jesse could hardly hear him over the shouts.
Most of the grass was blood-stained now.The sun was throwing it's heated glare on them,warm enough to be uncomfortable.Running around didn't help.
Jesse couldn't see anyone in her crew other than Axel.
Lukas isn't caught up in this,surely?
In that moment,in that single second of distraction,a half-Enderdragon person (Enderpeople,as Petra called them) decided to swoop at her.
Jesse swung her sword at him,not trying to hit him,just trying to look threatening.
He pulled up,scared of the sword,and nearly fell out of the sky.Then he swooped again.
"A little help,Axel?!"Jesse called,seeing him in the corner of her eyes.
"I'm blowing up stuff!"
"Well sorry,but some people are getting swooped!"
That seemed to make him turn around and stomp towards her.
Jesse ducked as the Enderperson nearly grabbed her shoulders.
"And what are you doing,exactly?!"
Olivia really needed to know.Was their plan fullproof?
"Trust us!"Sammy and Amber said at the same time,though Amber looked terrified.
Olivia sighed and turned to Petra.She didn't look good.
She killed Kloe.The fact that Petra knew her...sort of...
"You didn't know."Olivia reassured her.
"I didn't.But I should have."
"I don't know."
That's like...what Jesse was like after Reuben died.
"It should have been me.I should have done something."
"You couldn't have done any-"
Olivia looked around and noticed that wolves had surrounded them.They sniffed the air warily and looked at Kloe's body.
One moved forward to Kloe's body,but the one next to it whined and pulled the other back.
They're scared?That doesn't make sense.They have strength in numbers!
Some looked up in the sky and shuffled their paws.
No,they weren't scared.They were reluctant.
Up in the air,Amber felt a lot less confident.Feet were made for walking.On the ground.
No matter.Sammy's plan was risky,but what else was there to do?
She clutched the Enderperson's tail harder and tried not to think about falling.
Would I go splat?
She shuddered.
The Enderperson stopped flying forward,and Amber could see a bit of another Enderperson.
"So,what is it that you have come to bother me about?"
"I think you know,Soren."Sammy hadn't flipped out.Yet.
"Stuff and nonsense."Soren snorted.
"Respect Soren,werewolf."Ivor snarled.
"I don't think so..."
Now he will do it.
There was an oof from Soren,then both Sammy and Soren fell.
Now it was Amber's turn.
She used the spikes on the Enderperson's tail to climb up.He began to protest but she leaped off.
She looked down.
She panicked.
But she made it.
Amber,in her panic,scrambled forward and slammed into Ivor,causing both of them to fall off.
Something brown fell past them-the hollowed out piece of wood.
Great.He didn't have it anymore.
Relief doesn't seem to work when falling.
Woop.I wasn't going to get this done but the_golden_specter gave me DETERMINATION!
*upon reading this chapter,you are filled with determination

At Dawn,We Rise
FanfictionAnd the stars danced,trying to give hope to the land. And the trees sung,but nobody heard them. And the Endermen prowled,drooling at the mouth. And the Order scampered,trying to avoid the imminent. Death by Infection.