"Group meeting!"Jesse called."And no killing other people!"She added,glancing at Petra.
Every came closer,Amber edging away from Petra,but grinning like an idiot.
"Why do you have a reason to smile?"Petra asked,scowling at her.
"I have a friend."Amber replied,looking at Olivia.
Olivia smiled back,but felt awkward when Petra raised an eyebrow at her.She was expecting Petra to say something like why are you friends with her? But she didn't.
"I think we should go with Olivia's idea of a safehouse.Then we can work on curing Infected humans."Jesse said,looking at Olivia,then Amber,then Petra.
"We could do that."Axel agreed.
Olivia started to feel restless.Inside.
The wolf side of me?
"I like that idea!"Amber beamed.
"Of course you do."Petra muttered.
Amber's smile faded.
"Lukas?"Jesse looked over at the only one who hadn't spoken.
"It seems to be the best option.We might live a little longer."He shrugged.
"What is up with you,Lukas?Seriously?"Jesse huffed.
"When this whole thing started,I thought we had a chance."Lukas walked in front of Jesse."When my friends got Infected,I was shown what could happen.When I got bitten,I realised what we were really up against."
"What are we up against,Lukas?"Jesse asked softly."Tell me."
"A madman.A weapon.Something that won't stop until we're dead.Unlike us,it doesn't sleep.Doesn't think.Only kills.Whatever we do,it will find us.If we have people with us,they will suffer as well.We are up against an Infection.Petra and Olivia don't have an endless supply of blood."Lukas nearly growled.
He forgot Amber. Olivia looked at her,who seemed confused. Or did he?
"You're wrong, Lukas."Axel spoke up."Silencer isn't coming for us."
Lukas raised an eyebrow at him,and Amber sighed,as if she knew what he was going to say.
"It's coming for her."Axel pointed at Amber.
Amber groaned and nodded.
She did know what he was going to say.
"Exactly!"Petra glared at her."That's why she should leave!"
"Petra,"Jesse groaned."We don't have time to put up with this crap.She's only a person.She stays.We want to kill Silencer,right?So next time it comes,we kill it. End of story."
"She's not a person,she's a werewolf."Petra protested.
"And so are you.So zip it."Jesse retorted.
Good job,Jesse. Olivia smiled.
But how would the group cooperate when it was cracking?Breaking?
"So,where do we build the safehouse?"Olivia spoke up.
"Here."Jesse said."We can make underground passageways."
"Sounds good."Petra agreed through gritted teeth.
But her eyes stayed on Amber.
The name echoed in Olivia's mind.
The colour.
The person.
Amber was staring back.
"What do you want from me?!"Amber yelled at Petra."I've told you my past,so what do you want?!"
"Hey,"Olivia put a hand on Amber's shoulder.
Amber stiffed.
She's not used to this sort of contact.
"What I want is for you to die."Petra growled.
"But why?"Amber asked.
"Becuase you ruined my life."Petra answered.
"Soren ruined your life."Jesse corrected."Axel,back me up here!"
Axel shook his head.
He wants to see how this plays out. Olivia observed,mad. But why am I mad?Petra is the one I should be mad at.
Amber turned her back on Petra and shook her head.
She doesn't want to argue.Petra does.
Jesse made a small,frustrated noise.
"You need her,Petra.For your wolf side.Did you forget how she taught you how to survive?"Jesse pointed out.
"She taught me how to survive."Petra confirmed."And now I don't need her.None of us do."
Silence fell over everyone.Olivia could see tears about to fall in Amber's eyes,but nobody else could.Olivia felt sorry for her.
"Going for a walk."Amber mumbled.
On the way out,Petra put out a foot to trip her and she stumbled,but didn't fall,then went outside.
Petra really does hate her. Olivia thought. But they both need to learn to cooperate.
A few people want me to kill Amber. But,you know,she's important to the plot and stuff.

At Dawn,We Rise
FanficAnd the stars danced,trying to give hope to the land. And the trees sung,but nobody heard them. And the Endermen prowled,drooling at the mouth. And the Order scampered,trying to avoid the imminent. Death by Infection.