Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

'Wait, is she coming here? What the heck? What should I do?' Tiffany heart thumped hard which each step the girl took.

Without breaking their eye contact, the girl walked slowly avoiding people who was on her way. Tiffany swallowed the non-existent lump on her throat and kept looking at the girl. The girl stopped in the middle of the dancing floor. She gave a smile at one of dancing girl to dance with her before continue her stare at Tiffany.

Loud music echoed through out the place. The girl and her dancing partner were now dancing following the beat of the song. Their dancing, specifically-the girl dancing make Tiffany eyes want to bulge out and and the glass on her hand almost slipped out. On the dancing floor, the girl was dancing seductively with her partner, which was a very sensual dancing might be above the PG rating. Well, with a dance like that, she definitely not underage. She grinded her hips, shook her body, touching the girl's body and the girls touched her back. She danced with the redhead but somewhat her eyes were on Tiffany. Like the dance was somewhat directed to her.

Tiffany was awestruck. Something stirred in her. Her dull pain in lower abdomen was increasing. Her mind became more light headed. Tiffany got up from her seat, finished her drink in one go and slammed the empty glass on the counter. She suddenly felt very hot and meekly removed her coat, putting it on the chair. She unbuttoned the two top button of her blouse giving a nice view of cleavage which partially covered by red lacy bra. She tied her hair in loose ponytail. Tiffany didn't know where she get the nerve but she bravely walking to the girl, pushing the people around and now she stood right in front of the girl. The girl was a bit shorter than her only few centimeters. She had stop dancing and looking at Tiffany now. They exchange heating glances before closing the space between them.

Nobody believes that Tiffany can actually dance. It was not a ballet, waltz or any kind of graceful dance but a dance that they didn't know that she know. The girl hand was on her shoulders and her own hand snaked behind the girl back pulling it close against her body. They rocked together, according to the music. And those who actually witnessed the scene could swear that they never expect to see something like this in the woman. After few songs passed, the blond girl stop dancing and removed herself from Tiffany. She smiled and walked away, leaving Tiffany with confuse look. The girl disappeared around a corner. Without a second thought Tiffany legs moved and followed where the girl went. But when she turned at the corner someone grabbed her forcefully and slammed her body to the wall. Tiffany couldn't react when a pair of soft lips was shutting her mouth and her mind.



Tiffany fluttered her eyes open, looking at unfamiliar ceiling decorated with expensive lamp. Obviously, she was not in her apartment.

"Where am I?" she wondered.

She tried to get up but feel something was off especially at her lower abdomen. To her surprised, she was stark naked from top to bottom without a single thread. She quickly covered herself with bed sheet. She felt confused of what had happened yesterday. She tried to think but the sudden throbbing headache stop her thought. At the same time she felt nauseated and rushed to the bathroom despite her nakedness. After pouring all her stomach content into the toilet bowl, she then gathered herself and went to the nearby sink to rinse and gargle her mouth with toothpaste to get rid of the bad taste. She washed her face thoroughly, trying to freshened herself even it's only improve a little. She dragged her feet back to the bed and lie down. She felt so tired and with the killing headache, she couldn't think of anything.

Where am I?

What had happened?

And why am I naked?

Those were the questions that kept playing in her mind. Looking at the clock on the bedside table, it showed 5am in the morning. There were a glass of water with a note and two pills on the table. Putting the note aside, Tiffany took the pill which she thought was for her headache and drink it with the water and lie back on the bed. After the drugs took on its effect and her heads feel better, she took the note and read,

"Dear strangers, thank you for last night. It was really nice and unforgettable event indeed. Thank you. Hope to see u again. :D"

'p.s: don't worry, I had paid for the hotel room.=)'

Tiffany's face turned pale. Everything about last night suddenly flashed in her mind like a backward movie. She had gone to the party and the last thing she remembered was the special drink from Yuri and of course... the 'girl'. "OHMYGOD? Did I had se- with a girl?" the thought of having intimate session with a stranger was not good and it was with a girl. For goodness sake, she swore, she couldn't even remember the girl's face. The only thing that she remembered about the girl was her scent. Lavender.

What the heck? How can I remember that? Stupid Tiffany! Stupid!' Tiffany never considered herself a gay or lesbian. She never thought of her sexuality anyway but she sure that she was straight. Like a stick. Quickly she got her clothes and left the room.

When she arrived at her apartment, she sent Yuri a message that she couldn't come for their usual Saturday lunch and will only see her on Monday. But then she realized what she just did, "Crap, if she knows what had happened last night she's gonna tease until I die."


Sorry if this chapter shorter than the previous one. I'm not really familiar with the format yet, but I'm getting used to.

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