Chapter 27

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"Miss Hwang, at 11 o'clock you will have appointment with the representative from JYP Group about the project in Seoul."

"What? Which project is this?" the redhead scowled. "Can someone else go instead of me?"

"Miss Kwon has handed the project to Mr Wang, but he was busy with another project. So he asks you to go on his behalf."

"He thinks I'm not busy with my own work?? Ugh!" grunted Tiffany. It's only been three days Yuri has been away to accompany Jessica to see her parents in the State. She had trusted the company to Tiffany while she gone for two to three weeks. And since then, the redhead has been busy like hell.

"Aish... Fine! Fine! It's 11 o'clock right?"

"Yes, Miss Hwang."

"You can go now Suzy. Thanks."

Sharp at 11 o'clock representative form JYP Group had arrived. Tiffany entered the meeting room and met a tall man with short blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry I'm late. I had something to handle just now."

The man looked at the Tiffany with a raising eyebrow, "Tiffany?" he called.

The redhead frowned at the lack of formality the man had uses but then something struck her mind when she looked at the man closely, "Er-Thomas?"

"Yes Tiffany, it's me! What a small world! I'm surprised to see you here!" the man hugged the redhead whom Tiffany accepted warmly.

Thomas was Tiffany's classmate during her college in London. They were not close initially but become closer after he was introduced by her roommate, who was also Thomas's girlfriend. Tiffany was surprised to see an old friend after quite a long time they had lost contact aftet they graduated.

"How are you now? You look great," asked Thomas, looking up and down the girl before her.

"Fine, thank you. So, you are working here now, in South Korea? I thought you don't want to leave America." Tiffany let out a small chuckle.

The man rubbed her neck shyly, "Yeah. I transferred here 3 months ago. I know... stupid of me afraid of flaying. Hahaha. The opportunity here is better, so I accept the offer. It's great to see you again, Tiffany."

"Me too. So, let's back to the business shall we?"

"Yeah, sure."

"So how is it? Do you agree with our proposal?"

"Yes. Your plan is very clear and what can I say, you got the deal."

"Great! I will ask Suzy to prepare the contract later."

"Sure. Em... So, back to you... Are you married?" asked Thomas while glancing over the redhead's hands.

"Ah ha, no. Not yet." said Tiffany flustered.

The man smirk knowingly, "You never change. It must be because of work right? You always push yourself to the limits."

"Hehe you know me. How about you? Still with Jenny?"

"Nope, we already broke up last year. But it's a good one. We both realize we are not good for each other but we are still in contact anyway."

"How is she now?"

"She is fine. She's getting married maybe next year."

"Oh. And are you ok with that?"

"Yup. If she's happy, I'm happy too."

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