Chapter 16

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Tiffany and Taeyeon were having their breakfast in the kitchen. Taeyeon had prepared a plate of half boiled eggs, baked bacon, sausage and toast together with an orange juice.

"I don't know you know how to make western breakfast, Taetae."

"I learn how to make them for you. I know you will like it."

"Thank you. It's really delicious." Tiffany complimented as she took their empty plates and put them in the sink. "But..."

"But what?" asked Taeyeon who was still sitting at the table, finishing her juice.

Tiffany walked up to Taeyeon while eyeing the girl up and down, "But I would like to try a different breakfast, maybe?" Tiffany said suggestively, grinning and wiggling her eyebrows. She suddenly sat on Taeyeon's lap, straddling the other girl. Her arms swung around Taeyeon's neck.

"Oh my," Taeyeon gulped.

'Is she teasing me or just wanna test me?'

Tiffany gave Taeyeon her eye smile and noticed the blonde was slightly blushing, 'Oh, so kyeopta! I really like to see more of this side of hers.'

Taeyeon returned the smile and supported the girl by wrapping her arms around the girl's waist.

'Geez Tiffany, you could get me killed one day if you keep doing this.'

They just stay like that and looking into each other's eyes.

"Give me again your eye smile?" asked Taeyeon.

Tiffany smiled brighter, forming a perfect crescent shape. She then wrinkled her nose and touched it with Taeyeon's. She kept looking into the brown mocha orbs, leaning their foreheads together, breathing the same air.

'How can you make me feel like this Taeyeon-ah?'

"Pani-ah." Taeyeon broke the silence. Her eyes trailed downwards to Tiffany's lips.

"Yes, Taetae?" Tiffany was looking at Taeyeon's lips as well, wondering how soft the lips were. How close their lips were about to touch.

"We are together now right?"

"Yes," breathed Tiffany as she inched closer.

"But how about Siwon?"

Hearing such a question coming from the blonde caused Tiffany to suddenly lean back, looking at Taeyeon in her eyes which look sad.

She frowned. "Why suddenly you ask about him? I have nothing to do with him." Tiffany said firmly.

"But... last time... I saw you and him... uhmm... k-kiss..."

"WHATTT?? No! I never kiss him!"

"But I saw last time--"

"No, Taetae no! We never kiss! We are just friends."


"No buts Kim Taeyeon. Now stop talking about him. You ruin my mood," Tiffany brows almost knitted. How did Taeyeon had such an idea that she and Siwon had kissed? She never even thought of it. Unless...

"Ah... now I know."

"Know what?"

"You are jealous."

"W-what? No- I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"I'm not!" Taeyeon pouted and crossed her arm over her chest and turned her head away.

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