Chapter 10

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Suzy knocked on the door of the one and only vice CEO of SM & Co. However her knock wasn't answered. She knocked again before decided to just enter the room.

"Erm... Miss Hwang?" she opened the door, looking for her boss inside. The latter was leaning back on her chair with her elbow on the armrest and her hands folded on her stomach.

The secretary approached the table. "Excuse me, Miss Hwang?" she called her boss again but still didn't get any response.

"Miss Hwang?" Suzy began to feel weird. Her boss didn't response to her call or even looked at her. She kept staring at the celling unmoved. Her face is expressionless and her eyes didn't blink.

'Hopefully she is still breathing.' thought Suzy.

Suddenly, her boss whispered something and let out a heavy sighed. Suzy couldn't decipher what it was. The latter still didn't notice her presence. And now she had closed her eyes.

"Err, ok. I just... leave the files on the table..." Suzy excused herself, wondering what was wrong with the woman.

Flashback fifteen minutes ago.

Tiffany came to the office with her usual cold demeanor. She entered her room and put her handbag on the table.

She sat down, leaned back on the chair and touched her left cheek.

'Soft...' is the only word that came out from her mouth. The cheek had touched something soft or something soft had touched her cheek few minutes ago. She had felt the same softness before this but this time it bothered her. She felt heat creeping up to her face and it's probably turned really red by now. She palmed herself and felt the warmth.

'What is happening to me...?' she stared at the celling, looking particularly at nothing.

Her mind replayed all the events that involve that particular blonde. From the time she met her in the party, the night in the office, the passionate kiss in the lift, the dinner until the latter softly kiss her cheek this morning.

"Kim Taeyeon..." she whispered and her heart thumped faster. She let out a heavy sigh and closed her eyes.

After few minutes, she suddenly yelled, "Gahh!! Why that pervert blonde keep coming into my mind!" Tiffany groaned as she banged her head lightly on the table.

She stopped, "I must have gone crazy. It's must be because of her craziness is infectious!"

Tiffany sat up, straightening her coat and shook her head a few times trying to clear off her mind.

"Ok, Tiffany Hwang, chill! Focus!" Tiffany took a deep breath and exhaled heavily, looking at the table. She noticed a stack of files at one corner of her desk.

"Eh! Since when these files is here??" she wondered, "Oh, whatever...," she took one of the file and began her work.


Taeyeon was sitting behind the cashier counter elbowing her head, staring at a small cake in front of her.

"Hey, what's up with you? Did you lose your mind? Eh! New cake? Can I try?" Sunny wanted to swipe her fingers on the cake but Taeyeon smacked her hand away.


"Don't touch it!" Taeyeon growled and continue staring at the pastry. "And don't disturb me while I'm entertaining myself with my own perverted thought."

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