Chapter 11

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Tiffany put a frying pan on the stove before turned it on. She took an egg and ready to break it but Taeyeon stopped her.

"You should put some oil first," said the blonde who sit on the stool at the kitchen counter not far away from Tiffany.

"Oh, ok." Tiffany did what she was told. "Then?"

"Then, break an egg inside."

Tiffany took the egg that she just washed and broke it into the pan but a few pieces of the egg shells fell inside as well. "Omo!!"

"Pfttt!" Taeyeon wanted to laugh.

Tiffany pouted, "Urgh! I can never do this right! This is so hard, Taeyeon-ah!"

"No, Tiffany. Be patient. Relax...," Taeyeon walked to the pouting girl. She took the pan, empty the content into the sink and put it back on the stove again. She put some oil inside and hand in Tiffany another egg.

"What? No! You do it. I don't want to waste another egg!"

"Just do it, ok? I will teach you."

Tiffany took it but her pouted became longer.

Taeyeon couldn't help but grinned at the latter, "Stop pouting or I will kiss your lips."

Hearing that, Tiffany quickly hides her pout and gave a glare instead before frowning at the task at hand.

Taeyeon came from behind and hold her hand with the egg, closing space between their bodies.

"Here. You don't need to break the egg so hard. Just tap it gently onto any hard surface and let the whole things come out," Taeyeon said as she guided Tiffany's hand, knocked the egg on the kitchen counter and empty the content into the frying fan.

"See. It's easy right?"

Tiffany look at Taeyeon with amazement as the egg was nicely falls into the pan.

"Oh! That's it? You can do it with one hand!"

"Yup, easy as 1 2 3."

Taeyeon finished cooking the egg and put on a plate. She then gave newly washed egg to the younger girl.

"Now you do it."


"Just do it like how I teach you just now."

"Ok," Tiffany did the same like Taeyeon showed her. She carefully broke the egg gently and cracked it into the pan. The egg cooked well without any shells. She felt very happy and hugged Taeyeon tightly.

"Yes! I made it Taeyeon! I made it! Woohoo!"

"Ugh--Ugh Tiffany-ah---, no matter how much--- I enjoy you--- hugging me--, I-I can't breathe-- if-- if you hug me---- too --tightly.."

Tiffany quickly removed herself after noticing what she had done to the smaller girl.

"Oh I'm sorry. Are you alright? Is your arm ok?" she asked, worried.

"I'm ok. And my arm ok as well." Taeyeon reassured with smile.

Tiffany and Taeyeon were getting more comfortable with each other. No, no. Not 'that' comfortable like what you think. They are comfortable around each other like a best friend.

Taeyeon had taught Tiffany some simple daily cooking's. The younger girl can now made kimbap, fried rice, bacon with sausage and omelet. And of course, all this was under Taeyeon's supervision after last week incident when Tiffany almost burnt her kitchen down when she tried to cook by herself.

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