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***Picture of Corinne Little played by Selena Gomez (before the transformation)

"Jake Lavoi"

What can I say about him?!
The quarterback of the football team, every guy wanted to be him and every girl dreamed about being his.

As for me, I'd given up on the idea of him even acknowledging my existence.

It is not that I'm hideous or anything, there just wasn't anything special about me.

I'm a senior in high school, I'd never done anything to make myself stick out. I'm not very athletic so I don't play any sports, I didn't have any guys tripping over themselves to ask me out and I dont have any friends.

Just one best friend, Heather Parton. There are no words to describe her besides maybe, eccentric.

She is loud and rarely has a filter, the complete opposite of me, maybe that's why we're best friends. Our personalities balance each other out.

My name is Corinne Little, which oddly describes my appearance in a nutshell. I'm 5'3", barely 115 pounds. You may think that makes me feel beautiful but it doesn't. I have always wished I was more like my best friend Heather who was 5'6", 140 pounds. This so happens to be the type of girl Jake goes for.

I could go on and on about my pathetic existence in my head all day.

Suddenly Heather interrupts my thoughts.
"Earth to Corinne!" "S- sorry," I blurted out. Heather gives me a knowing look. "Were you throwing you're hourly pity party again?"

I felt myself sighing. "Is it it really that obvious?" "Naw, I just know my best friend." Heather smiled.

"Speaking of parties, a smirk crossing Heather's flawless face appears. "Hah, what now?" Corinne exclaimed!

Heather nearly screeches at me, " please tell me you're going to the football game tonight?" Clearly you have to go since the after party is at Jake Lavoi's house.

"Heather, please stop trying to get me hooked up with Jake, if it was going to happen don't you think it would have happened by now? I mean we have been going to the same school since kindergarten, the most I've ever gotten from him is him apologizing to me because he almost sat on me, apparently I'm invisible." Heather started chuckling, "is it really that funny Heather?" I exclaimed! " I am sorry but that was too funny Corinne. "

"On that note I'm going to get to class."

"I will see you at the game tonight right, I'm picking you up so you don't wuss out on me Little!"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Sarcastically of course.


Hey. I accidentally deleted my original chapter one so I had to re type it.

Luckily for me it was very short.

Thank you to anyone giving my story a chance. I promise it gets better.

I have 3 chapters out so far, I hope to get ch 4 out tonight. Possibly tomorro, I want to make it a good read and long.

I know its full of grammar mistakes and punctuation mishaps.

I will fix it at the end of the story.

Thank you for reading, please vote for my story and comment

Thank you tons!

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