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Jake walked me to my first class and pecked me on my cheek, he then pulled me into a big bear hug. He then leaned in and whispered in my ear " gotta keep up the appearance." He then pulled away, gave me a soft smile and walked away.

Heather was by my side in a split second. I have never seen a smile so big. "What in the actual heck was that all about? Did I really just see Jake kiss you and hug you?!" I smile slightly at her. " It was just a peck on the cheek, no big deal." I was trying to seem cool and collective but on the inside I was screaming!
Heather gave me a suspicious look. " you know your going to tell me everything later right? I've obviously missed something here the last couple of days." The bell rings. " I'll tell you everything later I promise." I giggle at her.

I know I shouldn't feel so happy about this, I knew I needed to get my heart in check. All this may feel real to me, unfortunately to him, I am just another project to keep his perfect existence in check.

I walk into my first period geometry class. Hopefully class would take my mind off everything for a while. I liked geometry, I am good at it, like most other subjects.

I sit in my normal seat just to be bombarded by a group of girls that have never given me the time of day until now. They were all talking to me simultaneously, questions left and right, but I could only make out a few. "When did you two start dating?" "How did you meet?" " Is he good in the bedroom?" I felt like running out of the room, I was panicking.

Mr Parkens clears his throat, " ladies, that's enough, please take your seats."


The rest of geometry and my next class passed by so slowly, unfortunately classes weren't enough to keep my mind from wondering. I couldn't concentrate on my work.

I was relieved when the Bell rang for lunch, that is until I remembered that I was supposed to sit with Jake at lunch.

I walked slowly to the cafeteria. I heard a familiar voice calling from behind me. "Hey, Corinne! Corinne!" I turned around to see Sammi pushing her way through the crowd in the hallways. " I'll walk with you to our table. And hey, just know I'm here for you." She smiles at me reassuringly.

As we walk through the white double doors to the cafeteria I was so nervous, I wanted to run away, to escape. I want to just be me, but that isn't going to be good enough.

Sammi squeezes my shoulder in a sweet gesture. I spot Jake chatting with a couple of girls, they were all over him. It broke my heart a little. I wasn't about to let it show though. His eyes meet with mine, he smiles from ear to ear. He waves Sammi and I over.

He immediately stops talking to the girls surrounding him. As we get close enough he reaches his hand toward mine and pulls me into a gentle embrace. His left hand is around my waist as his right one makes its way up to my face, he cups my cheeks, gently rubbing his thumb over my cheek. He is so tall! As I look up to him I feel like we are the only two people in the cafeteria.

I hear someone clearing their throat, as I'm knocked back into reality. I notice most of the cafeteria of students are staring at us. " Wow, I've never seen Jake look at a girl like that. " one of his buddy's says. I think his name is Chris. Jake lets me go automatically, looking some what embarrassed.

Chris looks at me in amazement. " I can't believe your the Same Corinne, you look so different, you're gorgeous. " he smirks at me. Jake looks away as if to hide his emotion.
"Don't even think about it Chambers, she's with me."

Chris looks amused. " Yeah, well see how long that lasts." Jake turns away from Chris, clearly trying to ignore his remark. I start poking at my salad, trying to proccupy myself. I didn't have much of an appetite. I just want this day to be over with I thought to myself. Too bad it's going to be like this five days a week for the next three months. At this rate my GPA and weight were bound to drop.


At the end of lunch Jake had asked me to meet him by his SUV so he could take me to his house after school for a bit.

I was waiting by his car for at least ten minutes when he finally decided to grace me with his presence.

He walks up nods his head at me and opens his door to get in. I open my door annoyed after he unlocked my door. " what no opening the door for me this time." I say sarcastically. He looks over at me with a cocky grin. " I can't have the world thinking I'm some whipped puppy now can I? I do have a reputation to maintain." I rolled my eyes at him and looked out the windshield straight ahead, with my arms crossed self consciously.

I hear him laughing at me. " what is so funny?" I ask angrily. "You know your lips pooch out when you get annoyed or angry, it's cute." I turn away to protect myself from the wrath of my blush.

"Well, well looks like we have an audience." he chuckles. I looked ever so slightly in the direction his eyes are pointed to. "Oh, your ex? What is her deal by the way?" I look over back to Jake, his face is a mere few inches from my face. My heart beat flutters in my throat, arrhythmias, pulsating my veins in my neck.

His hot breath on my lips. His breath smelling of peppermint, he licked his lips. They looked so inviting. It took everything in me not to touch him, kiss him. "Corrinne, lets give her something to stare at."

Before I could say anything, he pulls my face to his. His lips touch mine. Electricity and tingles running all through my body. He kisses me lightly at first, pulls away, looks me in my eyes. His lips connect softly to my forehead, simultaneously running his massive hand through my long dark brown curls. His lips then connect to the tip of my nose. He then continues to place soft pecks around my jaw line, then making his way down to my neck. I feel my breathing picking up quite a bit but I couldn't seem to control it. He finally pulls away leaving another kiss to my lips to end.

"Getting a bit too excited are we?" He smiles.

He places his hand on my upper left leg. " we could make that into our own private project if you'd like."

So, what did you think?

I know, I know, could be better, just give it a chance please! Like I've said it's my first story.

Please give me some feed back.

Vote/ Comment/ follow pretty, pretty please!

Love u 4 the support I'm in need of it.

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