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I hid outside by the side of the house, behind a large shrub bush for what seemed to be half an hour or so.

Suddenly two girls walk by and look at me as if I'm some kind of psycho. I decided that was my hint that I'd been hiding long enough.

I pop out and start my way back to the front door. I walk into the same scene of people getting drunk, playing beer pong, and practically dry humping each other on the furniture.

Luckily no sign of Jake or Rylee. I run up the stairs to find a bathroom to freshen up in. I finally found a bathroom only to enter to find a very drunk girl throwing up in the toilet.

"Sorry, I didn't realize anyone was in here." I say feeling a bit concerned for this girl. Her hair was stuck to her face, she looked like she needed help. I start to close the door as I heard the girl speak. " Please, don't leave me alone. My friends I came with ditched me and I could use some help." " Okay" I finally say apprehensively.

I helped her up to sit on the toilet lid, helped wipe her face and pulled her hair back in my hair tie. I poured her a cup of water from the sink.

"What is your name?" I asked after letting her get her self together.

"I'm Samantha, I go by Sammi though, what's yours?" She replies, looking as though she's starting to feel better. " I'm Corinne, it's nice to meet you Sammi. I wish they were under better circumstances though." " Me too for sure, I'm so sorry I'm a mess right now, thank you so much for helping me though." " No problem Sammi." I say giving her a reassuring smile." "Do you need me to call someone to come get you, I would take you home but I came with my friend." I say to her. " Oh No, no worries I actually live here. My room is a few doors down, I just couldn't make it to my private bathroom before I projectile vomited everywhere, but thanks Corinne for the offer."

"Wait, you said you live here? I thought this was Jake Lavoi's house." Well technically it's our house, Jake is my older brother." My mouth drops open in shock. "So your his sister, I always wondered about you." "Oh so you friends with Jake, Sammi asked. " Oh No, not at all actually I just know of him through a mutual friend." I add quickly." "Well, of course you do, what was I thinking. Everyone knows my brother. It's hard to remember that after being away for so long." Well I think I'll go shower in my own bathroom then hit the hay. I'm never drinking again, I've had it. By the way here's my number text me please, I'd really like to be your friend." " Okay I will. Have a goodnight, I hope you feel better." Night" she replies.

I look at my phone, I couldn't believe it was already 1:30 AM. I had spent my first real high school party hiding behind a shrub bush and locked in a bathroom.

After making my way back down stairs I went to go get myself my first proper party beverage.

I turn around and run into what felt like a brick wall, my alcohol pouring onto my clothes. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." That's when I looked up at the most beautiful face I had ever seen. "Shit!" Was all that managed to escape through my lips. A smirk forming across his perfectly chiseled face. " So what's your name sweetheart?" Instead of feeling like I was going to have a panic attack, I felt another emotion hit me, irritation! "Really, sweetheart?" I reply with an annoyed tone. "Just tell me your name please." He says, also getting irritated. " Corinne Little, what's it to ya?" " Well if you follow me to my room I'll let you know." He smiles. I blush instantaneously. My heart rate returning with a vengeance. " I want to make a proposal to you Corinne, meet me in my room in five minutes. Go up the stairs take a right, last door on your left." He quickly vanishes up the stairs.


Five minutes later I'm sitting in Jake's room at a chair pulled up to a work desk which contained a laptop, some notebooks,pens and some loose notebook paper lying in different areas.

His room was huge, with dark blue walls and a king size bed that looked like it was meant for a king, I suppose that suits him though.

Suddenly, I hear the door knob twist. Jake hurried in peaking out the door as if to make sure noone was following him. He quickly shut the door and locked it behind him. He then sat down in a cozy looking lazy boy about a foot away from me.

He grabs a black solo cup from the top of his mini fridge and takes a tall glass container of wine to pour some. "Here is a drink for ya to make up for the one I accidentally spilled on you earlier." " Thank you." I reply taking the cup from him and taking a few sips. "So, I'm sure your wondering why some random guy that has never met you wants to discuss something with you." I remain quiet just nodding my head up and down to his question. "I'll just come out with it. I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend to my folks." I was taken aback. " and why would you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend? I'm sure you have many other options." " Yes but not one that is good enough for my parents." What exactly do I have that seems good enough Jake?" I ask hesitantly. " You're wholesome, approachable,smart,and actually quite pretty when you try. That's exactly what my parents want me to be with. They say these other girls are just looking to get me trapped." Basically they gave me an ultimatum, find a good girl to date or they wouldn't pay for my tuition for college next year. I can't let that happen you see?" " I ... I'm not sure." "Listen, I've seen you around at school, you seem like a good girl. Now I also see you have potential when it comes to your appearance as well." I looked at Jake for a moment trying to see if he was being serious. I couldn't see any hint of sarcasm in his face.

Does he really want me of all people to do this? I can not believe what's happening right now. " I'm not very good with people Jake, I get really nervous when attention is drawn to me, I know that's exactly what it will be like if people think I'm your girlfriend. " I say nervously. He looked off seeming to contemplate what I was saying to him. " Listen, it will only be until the end of the school year, three short months, and I'll help you, prepare you, you'll be great. So what do ya say?"

I looked at him before I said "what do I get from all this?"

" You mean besides me?" He said with a smirk.

" Seriously though, whatever you want Corinne."

I couldn't think of anything I wanted or needed from him besides something he could never really give me. In all honesty being his fake girlfriend was more than I could ask for.

I give a small smile to him and say " I'll do it."


Wow, so that just happened!

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