chapter 4

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Maya's POV

"Maya! You don't have to go to his office! I can arrange a replacement!" My mom said while I was getting dressed for work.

Mom had also received the mail regarding my audit schedule. From the moment I woke up this morning, she was trying to stop me from going to his office.

My parents already blamed themselves for getting me married to Arjun. I didn't want them to feel guilty about it. It was my mistake that I couldn't find his true motive before marriage. They never forced me to get married to him. So, in no way, they are to be blamed for my divorce. But now, it was high time I faced my fears. I had already taken my decision the moment I saw the mail. I was going to do this, no matter what.

Arjun doesn't make any difference to me anymore. 'The Kings and Queens' company was just another office and he was just another CEO and this was just another audit for me. It was my work. I can't run away from it.

After adjusting my black trouser that I had paired with a sky blue shirt, I was ready to go.

"Mom! I don't want to discuss about this anymore!" I said, grabbing my office stuffs from my room.

Yes, I was in my room. I had to get over it at some point of time. I can't keep running away from everything that was connected to my past. Coming back to my room; was just a baby step towards the process of moving on.

After stuffing my kajal and lip gloss into my purse, I was ready to go. I can't survive without my kajal, lip gloss and a hot cup of coffee.

Yes, I can never go even a single day without a cup of coffee. Thanks to my dad for getting me addicted to it.

"I am leaving, mom! Don't tell dad about it" I said, slipping on my nude stilettos.

She glared at me with a -do you think I won't tell- look. I know that it was going to be futile talking to her over this.

"Bye, mom" I said, kissing her on her cheek.

"Don't let Arjun intimidate you! You are strong! Remember that!" she said, holding my shoulders.

"I will" I said, hugging her.

"I'm proud of you" she whispered for which I smiled nervously.

My nervousness increased tenfold when I reached his office. I used my mom's car to travel since my Audi was at Delhi and it would take at least a week for it to be transported to Chennai. I was sitting inside the car at the parking lot in the basement. My palms started to sweat in spite of the air conditioning and my low tolerance to coldness.

Maybe, I took the wrong decision! How was I going face him every single day? Was it going to be easy for me?

"You can do this!" I kept telling myself and had one final look at myself in the rear view mirror to check if my usual makeup was in place.

I nervously stepped out of the car and after locking it, I headed towards the staircase.

I was here again. I was back in the lion's den. All these places meant so much to me once. Memories started to haunt my mind.

"Ar... Arjun! We are at the basem-" my words died in my throat when I felt his lips nibble on my neck

He pushed me towards the railing and pinned me against it. Even after a whole night of nonstop sex, this man was insatiable. He couldn't have his hands off my body.

"You look so beautiful, baby" he breathed against my sensitive skin, slowly kissing my earlobe.

A faint blush crept up my cheeks and I couldn't help but smile. He quickly pressed a chaste kiss on my lips "I love it when you blush"

I Was Never Yours,MR.CEO(To Be Published)Where stories live. Discover now