chapter 5

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Maya's POV

He opened the door to his car and before he could get inside, he pulled the receptionist in his arms and kissed her on her painted lips.

What the fuck?? He was married to Katherine with a baby, for god sake! In spite of that, he was kissing another woman!

I had the sudden urge to slap him and put some sense into him.

He looked really happy with Katherine, why did he need another woman?? I really felt bad for her. Katherine doesn't deserve him. She deserved someone better.

After a full blown make out session in the broad daylight, he pecked her lips for one last time and whispered something in her ear which made her blush.

A slight pang of jealousy hit me. Why were his actions disturbing me so much?

When we were married, I really thought that he loved me. I was a fool to have believed that he meant his words. Every time when he said that I looked beautiful, it was just for money. He proved it yet again, today.

"Maya" a familiar male voice brought me back to reality.

"Varun!" I squealed in happiness, grabbing attention from the other customers at the cafe.

Varun was Ria's husband and Arjun's best friend from high school. Arjun and Varun were more like brothers than friends. They were inseparable. Varun was facing a loss in business at the moment and Ria told me that Arjun was helping them through it. She really admired their friendship and respected Arjun.

"How are you?" I asked, jumping out of my seat and hugging him.

"Doing great and you look good" He said and took me in a warm hug.

"Thank you" I smiled sheepishly and looked at him.

We took our seats at the table and Varun placed his order.

"So, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Came for a coffee, what else?" I stated.

"No..erm..Arjun told me that you are auditing his company again..." he trailed off

"Yea, so what's the big deal? I am here for professional reasons. This is my work" I said and I was a bit annoyed.

It was not even fifteen minutes since I left Arjun's office and Varun already knew. It spread like fire.

"I'm sorry, I was just concerned" he said.

"No, it's alright! Don't tell Ria about it. I'm meeting her today. I will tell her about this myself" I said, knowing very well that if Ria gets to know about this through anyone else other than me, she would kill me.

No one other than Tani,Arjun and my parents, knew the reason for my divorce. The ex-wife side of me didn't want anyone to think lowly of Arjun. I didn't share the reason for my divorce even with Ria. She had a lot of respect for Arjun. If she gets to know the reason, it might even break Arjun and Varun's friendship, which I didn't want.

Just then, our orders arrived. I sipped on my coffee savoring its taste.

"So, how is our little Ria" I asked, meaning their little daughter.

"She is not really good at the moment. She had some breathing problems and after a few tests, the doctor diagnosed it to be Asthma"

"Oh my god! What are you saying! How is she now? Why didn't Ria tell me this?" Why does God have to punish an innocent soul, always?

"Relax Maya. She is recovering. But we have to be really cautious and careful with her. She just needs some extra care" he said.

"How did Ria take this news? She must have felt broken" I suddenly felt that I was the worst friend on earth. My friend was in so many problems and my stupid ass sat at Delhi!

I Was Never Yours,MR.CEO(To Be Published)Where stories live. Discover now