chapter 6

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Maya's POV (as usual :p )

Just if Arjun had waited to hear the news that I had, maybe, just maybe things might have been different.

"Hey ,baby" Arjun's voice interrupted our conversation.

"Hey" Katherine was extremely delighted to see him! How was she going to react when she comes to know about Arjun's infidelity! I really felt sorry for her!

He walked up to Katherine and started kissing her. It didn't even bother him that I was standing in front of them!

I cleared my throat, hoping it would strike them that I was standing right in front of them. Immediately Katherine pulled away and blushed furiously.

Arjun's gaze met mine and his eyes slowly travelled to Rohan who was in my arms. He looked at me as if I were the dirtiest thing that he had ever witnessed.

"What are you doing with Rohan?" He shouted angrily and his tone made me flinch.

What now? I didn't even have the right to carry his baby?

"She just wanted to carry him ,Arjun! Relax!" Katherine interjected.

Arjun ignored her and grabbed Rohan from my arms. His words pinched my heart. My eyes filled with tears. I started walking away from their happy family.

"I don't want her anywhere near Rohan! Do you get that?" I heard Arjun shouting at Katherine and his words made me quicken my steps.

I ran to my cabin and looked the door behind me. Tears streamed down my eyes.

Why was so he so rude to me? Why wasn't he able to get past the fact that I was an adopted kid? The disgusted look that he gave me when he saw me holding Rohan just killed me.

This was just my first day and it went terribly bad! How am I going to go through the next twenty nine days?

I can't run away from him! I have to face my fears! I can let him rule my life and let my fears takeover me. No matter what, I was going to do this! There was no looking back!

Every day was going to be a living hell and this day was just a reality check.

Suddenly my phone went off, bringing me to reality.

It was Ria. I wiped off my tears and steadied my breathing. Once when my breathing returned to normalcy, I answered the call.

"What took you so long to answer my call?" She shouted.

"I'm sorry ,Ria! Tell me"

"I can't meet you today, Maya! Varun has planned a dinner date" she said.

"Aww! Romantic night with your hubby,I see!" I teased her. I was happy that Varun was taking efforts to mend their relationship.

"No Maya! I guess it's just going to be a normal dinner!" I could sense some sadness in her voice.

"Stop guessing and dress in something sexy ,woman!" I said .

"Sure thing!" I can literally imagine her rolling her eyes.

"Do you want me to take care of your daughter? " I asked

" No! I'm leaving her at my mom's place" she said

"That reminds me! How is Aunt Sri?" I asked, meaning her mom. Her mom and my mom were literally like sisters.

"She's fine .She can't wait to meet her grand daughter. She has called me ten times already!" she said and laughed.

"Impatient gramps you've got there!" I said

"Varun is pestering me to get dressed! We'll meet soon! Is a Rain check possible?" She asked

I Was Never Yours,MR.CEO(To Be Published)Where stories live. Discover now