chapter 1

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Maya's POV

"Maya, it's final! Dad has booked your flight tickets and we want you at Chennai. Your flight is in three hours" I heard my mom's voice through the speakers of my phone.

"Mom, please. Try and -"

"No, Maya! Enough is enough. You aren't going to live at Delhi anymore. I thought we already went through this conversation! For how long will you keep running away from your fears?" she said.

"Mom, I am not running away alright! I will be there at Chennai in a few hours" I declared and swiftly hung up.

You weren't running away.No.You weren't! I kept telling myself and started to load all my clothes.

I was currently living at Delhi and it has been two years since I moved into this compact flat that I had chosen for myself.

After going through a rough divorce, I chose not live at Chennai. Chennai had too many memories that I didn't want to cast my mind on.

But now, I don't care. I had learnt a lot in the past two years of my life that I had spent without him and the three years that I had spent with him as his unwanted wife. I was not going to give another chance to another man and have my heart broken. It took a long while for me to heal. Rather, I would say that I didn't have a heart anymore. I was not the same old, gullible, spirited, tender and obedient Maya. I was tired of all the brutal games that people played. I can win over them only when I was cruel, myself.

I was done packing and decided to have a shower before I leave. After having a quick shower, I slipped into a pair of black skin fit denims that molded my long legs and a blue tank top. I finished the outfit with a nice black cardigan. I can't bare the temperature inside the plane. The cool air conditioning can make me shiver in minutes. I was really intolerant to cool temperature.

I ran a brush through my voluminous black hair which ended an inch below my breasts. I had longer hair which one man used to love. And for the same fact, I had it cut, mercilessly.

After putting my hair in a tight ponytail, I applied a foundation on my face to cover the paleness. My face would appear white and sick if went without a foundation. I had lost all the yellow undertones that an Indian has to have. I was now growing closer to white, but my foundation saved me.

I was never a makeup person. I was tired of showing my true self to everyone and have myself hurt, but not anymore. Make up was the mask that I used to hide my true self.

After a few minutes of blending and using my compact, I stroked the waterline of my eyes with kajal and finished it with the mascara on my eyelashes. Once when I applied the lip balm on my full pink lips, I was ready to go.

I had one last look at the mirror and I was satisfied with my look. My black eyes turned into a light brown when the sun shone on them. I had totally forgotten my lenses.

I quickly cleansed my lenses and put it carefully on my eyeballs. My blackish brown eyes were now hazel brown. I was not a person who gave importance to looks. But the world played its cruel game on me and changed me completely.

I was skinnier than I could ever imagine. I used to be on the normal side five years back. The baby fat that I used to have when I was twenty five years old ,had disappeared and now they turned into sexy curves. No one can tell that I was a twenty eight year old woman now. I was five feet ten inches tall and my height always gave me an edge over the others.

Once when I had stuffed all my things into my hand luggage, I called up the branch of my dad's firm that was at Delhi. I came to Delhi two years back on the pretense of looking after my dad's firm. But later, the firm turned into the real reason.

I Was Never Yours,MR.CEO(To Be Published)Where stories live. Discover now