chapter 10

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Heyaa! I thank every single person for all the love and concern! It means so much to me! I am feeling better now! All your lovely pms and notes have been such a huge support! Thank you for sticking with me! Means a lot!

The notification for the other chapters that you have been receiving was because I edited those chapters. No worries,this is a new chappy though ;)

*** Happy reading***

Maya's POV

We entered the restaurant and then I knew that our dinner was going to be a rough one for the man seated opposite to a beautiful woman wasn't going to let me be in peace.

It was Arjun and Katherine.

What was he doing here?

"What is Arjun doing here?" Ajay voiced out my thoughts.

"I don't know" I mumbled absent minded.

I heard Ajay sigh beside me. We walked to the table that was reserved for us and just like a perfect gentleman he pulled out the chair for me.

"Thank you" I smiled at Ajay.

Just then, Ajay's phone went off. But he was oblivious to it.

"Ajay! Your phone is ringing!" I said

"It can wait" he shrugged

"It can be some important call! Please answer it! I can always wait" I urged him. I was not used to so much attention before. He was treating me like I was someone special.

"Are you sure?" He asked doubtfully, looking at his phone.

"Absolutely" I smiled my most convincing smile.

"I will be back in a minute" He said, walking away, leaving me to drool at his well-built body. Why are men around me so gorgeous?

No one treated me like a queen ever before. I was always the classless and adopted kid, at least to Arjun...

I started cooking the dinner. I decided to cook something Indian today. Arjun loved Italian, but considering that he had never been home for dinner for the past one and half years, there was no point in cooking Italian food! I craved and loved Indian food and decided to cook the same today.

Just when I was about to grab the ingredients to cook, I heard the door click open.

We stopped using the calling bell system in our house. Arjun and I had our own keys and we used them to access our home whenever we needed. Precisely, Arjun didn't want to see me the moment he entered the house. It always hurt me, but I was getting used to it.

I was able to sense the very evident drift in our relationship, but I don't know what I was holding on to. I was the only one trying. But I will keep trying till my last breath!

"Where are you?" I heard Arjun's voice echoing through the room which was filled with loud silence.

He was looking for me. But why?

"In the kitchen" I raised my tone a bit, for him to hear me.

"Come here" he ordered.

My heart did a little somersault. He had never been home so early. Even if he had come home, it was unusual of him to look out for me. My heart started to beat rapidly against my chest, Arjun was actually calling for me??

I quickly padded across the kitchen to the hall; from where I heard his voice.

He looked at my flustered state and it was making me anxious.

I Was Never Yours,MR.CEO(To Be Published)Where stories live. Discover now