chapter 2

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Maya's POV

He stood straight and his tall figure faced me. It was him.

"Arjun?" A shocking gasp escaped my lips. My breathing stopped. What was he doing at Delhi?

An arrogant, cocky smirk appeared on his sinfully sexy face. At the age of thirty two, this man had become sexier than I could remember. He had changed, a lot.

He was dressed in a perfectly tailored coal black suit. The material molded his muscular body. The sleeves of his blazer held his delicious biceps which looked ruthlessly hot. His broad shoulders ended at his perfectly narrow waist. He was a sexy, egoistic beast.

His face was cleanly shaved and I could smell his seductive aftershave. There was no hint of facial hair and it made his features appear more defined. He looked enticing. His captivating smoky black eyes held dominance, which suddenly made me feel powerless. His six feet four inches tall frame made me feel all the more helpless. His lips pleaded to be kissed. A throbbing wave of heat spread through my body. My fingers ached to trace his face and memorize his alluring features.

What not had I done for this man? But he just played his cunning game and won the battle.

But the war is yet to be won.

But why does he still have the same effect on me?

What the hell are you thinking?You've got to be strong, Maya. Remember, you hate him! He doesn't make a difference to you.

"Thank you" I immediately put on a tight lipped smile on my face and grabbed my phone from him.

For just a moment, our fingers brushed and the simple touch sent bolts of electricity right till my feet.

I felt his eyes roam over my body and I didn't feel comfortable anymore. When I turned to leave, I heard his voice "have your parents put you back in the orphanage?"


His words shouldn't hurt you,Maya.

I decided to bite back "My parents love me for who I am, unlike you, Arjun." I said and the shock on his face was enough of an evidence that I won. I didn't wait even a minute for him to respond.

Yes, I was adopted! So what?? Even I have the right to have parents?

He would have expected me to cry on hearing his words. But I wasn't the old Maya who breaks down for everything.

It hurt me, so much. It was a sensitive issue that he touched. But I won't let him know that it hurt me. He was never going to change. He was, is and will be the same selfish and egoistic man.

I walked into the empty lounge of the airport and settled on the couch. I was waiting for the announcement of my flight to be made.

I saw him entering the lounge. He was talking to someone on the phone and he looked angry. His loud, angry voice filled the whole room "I don't fucking care! I need my jet, right now!"

I rolled my eyes. His insensitiveness was nothing new to me. He was the same that day and he was the same now.

Before 2 years

"Arjun, you're late again?" I asked him when I saw him enter our house. He looked tired and exhausted.

I was impatiently waiting for him through the whole day to share the news with him. I needed his support desperately. I can't go through this crucial phase of my life alone.

He ignored my question and walked past me.

I can't bear when he avoids me like plague.

I Was Never Yours,MR.CEO(To Be Published)Where stories live. Discover now