chapter 12

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Maya's POV

"It's me" he said, removing his hand which was preventing me from shouting.

"Arjun?" I gasped

"Shut up" he commanded under his breath.

"Excuse me!" I raised my voice, pushing him away by his chest.

He looked slightly taken aback but he quickly recovered and twisted my hand behind me and pulled me against his hard chest

"How dare you?" He fumed.

"Are you crazy? Let go off me!" I almost shouted now, still struggling to get freed from his strong grip.

"Why should I?" He asked

"Because you are hurting me" I pointed out the obvious.

He laughed at what I told. I didn't say anything funny!

"I am going to shout for Ajay now" I threatened him.

"Do you think he is going to give a shit about you?" He asked

"Of course!" I said, but I was beginning to doubt that with the way Ajay behaved when I told him about my divorce

He laughed and now it was a pure laugh of mockery "even after knowing that you're adopted?" He asked

Don't cry! I kept telling myself.

"What the fucking hell is your problem, Arjun?" I felt my voice shaking already.

His features softened for a just a millisecond or maybe it was just a delusion! He doesn't have a heart on the first place!

"You" he bawled

"Then, why are you stalking me! Just leave me alone! I was nothing but trash to you and you threw me away! I didn't beg you to take me back! You followed me to the restaurant and now to the washroom! It doesn't make any freaking sense for you to stalk me if I were your problem" I felt relieved of having all those words out of me.

"Stalking you?" He laughed, amused at what I told.

"Yes and don't you try to refuse that!"

"Let me clear you of your misunderstanding! You yourself knew that you were just trash to me! Why would I stalk someone who meant nothing to me?" He explained

"Get lost, Arjun!" I tried wiggling out his strong grip but he still wasn't allowing me to go.

"This is my last warning, Arjun! Let me go!" I said, trying to have my voice stable.

"I won't let you go! What will you do? Call for Ajay?" He challenged

"I wouldn't hesitate to knee you" My words earned a smirk from him.

"I doubt if you are that strong, sweetheart!" His hot breath fanned over my neck.

"Let me go or else I would have to show you how strong I am" I said

"You wouldn't do any damage to me and I know it" he said and I closed my eyes in defeat. Even I knew what he said was true. What I said were just words. I wouldn't even dream of hurting him.

"Just out of the respect that I have for woman, I wanted to let you know of who your dear date Ajay actually is" he said and pulled me out of the dark and made me peek towards the direction of our table. Ajay was missing from the table.

"There" Arjun said, pointing at a secluded area of the restaurant where Ajay was seated with a girl on top and she was straddling him. I looked at them for a few more seconds and realized that she was literally dry humping him.

I Was Never Yours,MR.CEO(To Be Published)Where stories live. Discover now