Chapter 14: Mirror Image

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Chapter 14: Mirror Image

Alfred never came back after escorting Deshi and Gabrielle out of the network. I had a pretty good idea what happened, as did Arthur. We both assumed that Alfred simply didn’t trust Ivan enough to come back; it would make sense. Arthur’s attitude toward him had definitely changed. He was more respectful, probably from unreserved terror that he masked in with his disgustingly uptight personality. His attitude toward Alfred has changed as well, but, while Ivan seemed to have earned respect, Alfred was received with a fiery anger.  However, there was something odd about the whole thing...  It wasn’t in Alfred’s personality to just up and leave like that, especially after he promised he’d stay.

I hadn’t seen Ivan in a week after he realized Alfred was gone. News had spread rapidly that two of his top lieutenants had been banished, and one had just disappeared, meaning there was only one left. Ivan, whom was already exceptionally depressed about Gabrielle leaving, was outraged when he found out Alfred lied to him, so he took to locking himself in his room all day rather than deal with everyone else’s persistent prying and questioning. Because Ivan was ignoring my existence, along with everyone else’s for that matter, and Alfred was gone, I soon came to the ghastly revelation that Arthur was my only company. Needless to say, I didn’t go out of my way to associate with him; his pompous demeanor simply clashed with my own personality too frequently. But I grew more concerned about it all, and when I eventually confronted Arthur about my apprehension, he shook it off.

“He’s a coward,” he growled. I frowned.

“He didn’t seem like a coward to me.” It was true; although Alfred was annoyingly arrogant and fairly obnoxious in more ways than I cared to count, he was no coward. Alfred was by far Ivan’s most trusted associate, and got to be that way by proving his loyalty, so the idea that he had simply decided to abandon Ivan from trepidation was unrealistic.

“You don’t know him like I do,” Arthur muttered.

“I suppose so.” I dropped it. There was no point in arguing with the young Englishman when he was in a stubborn mood. After a few minutes, I tried to approach it from a different angle. “Do you have any idea where Alfred might be?”

“No, nor do I care,” he replied blatantly. “He went wherever he wanted. I have no clue where he is. If I knew, so would Ivan.”

“What if something happened to him?” That was it; that was why I was so nervous. I had a very clear epiphany as it all clicked into place. There was no way Alfred had just left. He wouldn’t have ever hurt Ivan like that. And I cared about him. Despite all his faults, he was good at heart and I really enjoyed his company. It was lonely without the loudmouthed American. Arthur laughed.

“Nothing happened to that bloody American. He just abandoned us. Face it now so you won’t hope. Hope is for fools and children.” I frowned. He wasn’t talking like he normally did; it wasn’t pompous or uptight, but upset, as if it was hurting him. Maybe he was closer to Alfred than I thought...

“But, Arthur, I don’t think he left-”

“He did,” Arthur interrupted abruptly,“ accept it; that’s what happens in life. People come and go, and no matter what you do, no matter how hard you struggle, no matter what you do for them or how hard you try to protect them, they go. And you’re left empty. So please, listen to me Amy.” He turned to face me, looking me straight in the eyes. I was shocked; there were tears in his brown eyes. I didn’t think he was even capable of human emotions. “Don’t hope for him. He’s gone.”

“Arthur...” He gave me another pained look. “Are you ok?” He sighed.

"I haven't been ok for a while... It's been a rough couple years for all of us, Amy. I had everything, and it was all stolen from me in an instant. That's how it was for Alfred too."

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