Chapter 15: Relationships Rivalries

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 Chapter 15: Relationships Rivalries

I instinctively wrapped my arms around my sister, drawing her into one of the biggest hugs I'd ever given her. I was overcome with emotion; the last time I'd seen her, we had engaged in a fistfight. Gradually, tears started to form in my eyes. I couldn't believe that she was alive; it was surreal. The house looked long since destroyed. But here she was; dirty, thin, shaken, and definitely the worse for wear, true, but still alive. It was the best piece of news I'd received in quite a while.

"Amy," she was crying, "is that really you? I'm not dreaming?"

"If you were, it would be a nightmare," I replied dryly.

"Anything with you in it wouldn't be a nightmare for me. I can't believe you're here."

"Same," I murmured in response. "I was very worried about you all."

"My God, where have you been? We thought you were dead."


"Yeah," she continued, finally letting go of me so I could stand up. It was then that I got a good look at her. I was definitely better off; she was very disheveled and looked like she'd lost a lot of weight. I wondered how long she'd been living in that filthy bomb shelter. "You just disappeared, and then those bombs started falling, and nobody saw you again after that. Mum assumed the worst."

"Where is Mum?" I asked quietly, fearing the worst, although my apprehension was nothing compared to the guilt; everything that had plagued my friends and family for the past two weeks was my fault. Andreas was separated from his parents and arrested because of me, my sister thought I was dead because of me, and my mother more likely than not thought I hated her and had died with that hatred fresh in my mind because of me. Everything was my fault.

"I don't really know," she responded inaudibly "She just vanished. I have no idea if she died or is hurt or is lost. I just don't know." Jennifer began to cry again. "And dad's dead. I was so scared that you were all gone. I thought I was completely alone."

"It's alright," I muttered, attempting to quell her. "You're safe. I'm safe. That's all that matters right now. I'm not going to leave you. You're not alone anymore." And neither am I... The relief I felt when I saw her still hadn't left; all it meant to me was I still had a family. Ivan and Alfred were nice for company, but they weren't family, and never would be. My twin sister was the closest person on earth to me, and I lost sight of that... It was a mistake I vowed to never make again.

"I've felt awful about this entire situation," she admitted, still talking while I wasn't listening. "I was so scared that I'd never see you again, and that the last memory I'd ever have of you was fighting.

"I just ran away, Jenna. I couldn't stay there anymore. I needed Andreas. I know you don't like him, I know Mum wouldn't trust him, but it was my decision and nobody will change that." She frowned at me.

"You should have told me you were leaving! We were worried sick." I laughed darkly.

"You weren't being very trustworthy at all about the time I left," I replied carefully, trying to allow the touchy conversation to remain civil. I had to admit that, although I was overcome by relief in my realizing that my sister was alive and well and I wasn't completely alone in the world, I was still angry. For now, my relief was overpowering the anger, but that was subject to change. Jennifer looked very guilty indeed and muttered,

"That was my fault. I acted like a cow; I shouldn't have said anything about Andreas..."

"No, you shouldn't have," I agreed unsympathetically, "but it doesn't matter now. Andreas and I were separated."

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