Chapter 1: The White Rosebush

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Chapter 1: The White Rosebush

I was awoken by a bright light on my face, filtering through my open bedroom window ever so subtly, making me exceptionally grateful that it was not raining for once.  It was a very cold September morning, and, rather begrudgingly, I made my way to the window and shut it, blocking out anymore of the unpleasant temperature. At least it was sunny, I thought to myself as I gazed out the window at the crowded city below. It was a typical day in London; people moving endlessly about their daily business, ignoring everyone else, oblivious to the deathly destruction of most every country around England, which stemmed from the war against Germany.

I had recently become grateful that I lived in England; it seemed to be the only place that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi followers hadn’t completely ravaged. I sighed, thinking about the result this bloody war was about to have on my own family; my father was already putting his affairs in order before he left for his service in the British military. It was rather depressing for all four members of my family, but I had made a conscious effort to not dwell on it; I had other concerns that were bothering me in addition to my family. Taking care not to wake my sister sleeping in the bed on the other side of the room, I left my bedroom and climbed down the stairs to our living room.

 My parents were both sitting; it was early and they hadn’t bothered to get into their daily chores routine. I was quiet as I attempt to slip past the door, not wanting to talk to them at the given moment.

“Jennifer?” my father called. I smirked. Jennifer was my sister, so I played the loophole and pretended I wasn’t obligated to respond. I slipped into the bathroom, where I intended to stay for quite a while, submerged in my confused, and somewhat depressed, emotions. I looked in the mirror automatically, marveling at just how much I looked like my mum. Comparing my appearance was another way to keep myself distracted from the drama I knew today would bring... My most dominate features were my long black hair and striking green eyes, which I shared with both my mum and Jennifer. Eventually, I couldn’t think of anything else to do with the bathroom, so I reluctantly left.

“Amy?” Mum called as I passed. I held my breath, refusing to answer. “I know it’s you,” she added. “Jenna is already in here.” I cursed under my breath.

“Please come in here,” Dad ordered quietly. Pouting and with an expression that could have been comparable to a spoiled rotten brat, I unwillingly entered the room. Both my parents were looking at me expectantly.

“Well?” Mum asked.

“Well what?” I muttered angrily, knowing exactly what she meant. Mum scowled at me.

“Don’t even, young lady!” Dad hissed, trying to eradicate my fake nonsense. “What did you do about Andreas?”

“I took care of it.” My parents both looked mistrustful at this obvious lie; they knew there was no way I’d actually “taken care” of the Andreas problem. Andreas Hartman was both my best friend on earth, and the love of my life. My parents had always liked him; he was a bit annoying and arrogant, but he was polite enough to please them. However, that had all changed...

“I don’t know what to believe, Amy,” Mum sighed. “You’ve lied about this so many times before...”

“Why does it even matter?”

“It matters to me,” my father fumed, “as it should do you! Youwill have more respect for your family than what you are showing, Amy Smith, or we are going to havea serious problem.” I said nothing, quietly glowering at my parents. I was tempted to argue, but decided if it would seem better if I wasn’t acting defensive.

“It’s always the same old with you,” my mother muttered, sounding very tired. “If it’s not Andreas, it’s that foolish garden!”

“Don’t call my garden foolish!” I snarled violently.

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