The Woman He Loved

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I sit perched on the edge of the bed, watching as the beautiful girl before me dresses in her night clothes. The large t-shirt she wears falls at the top of her thighs and she tugs it down with a light hand. Her long brown hair cascades down her back in delicate waves, tucked behind her small ears as she swipes a make-up wipe across her fair skin. As she clears her face, her imperfections are revealed, making her bare-faced and more beautiful than ever. She then gathers her hair in her hands, inspecting her face as she does so. She frowns slightly, clearly not pleased by the girl staring back at her through the white framed mirror. It's obvious that she does not think highly of herself, which is a shame as everyone else seems to be able to see the beauty she possesses.

She ties her hair is a loose ponytail before turning away and facing me on the bed. Her piercing green eyes catch mine and my breath hitches in my throat. I have known her for years and yet she still manages to take my breath away every time she looks at me with those dazzling emerald orbs. She slowly approaches me with a gaze so sharp it's as if she were looking right through me. As she walks closer, I feel the urge to reach out at touch her, grab her wrist and hold her close but I refrain.

As she reaches the edge of her mattress I give her a small smile. She doesn't return it; she simply picks up her phone from the blanket behind me and sits at the head of the bed. She leans back against the pillow; pieces of hair have already fallen from her ponytail, framing her face perfectly. As she reads what is on her screen, her pink lips transform into a beautiful smile that could melt the hearts of many. It's a genuine smile, revealing her white teeth as she laughs slightly, a light blush forming on her cheeks. Its times like there where she is at her most beautiful. I have found that without the fancy clothes, neatly placed hair and a face full of make-up is when she is at her best.

It is obvious to all that her smile is her best feature. Not only does she smile with her lips but also her eyes. She has no idea of the positive energy she puts out. Again I feel the want to touch her. I feel the need to cup her cheek with my hand, pulling her closer before touching my lips lightly to hers. I feel myself slowly leaning towards her, as if she has a magnetic pull, constantly drawing me closer. I feel almost in a trance, lost in her shining eyes as I slowly lift my hand to her face.

Just as my fingertips skim her pink cheeks I catch myself and realise my mistake. Resting my palm against her soft skin, I feel nothing at all and I am aware that she cannot either. I hold back the tears that are slowly forming in my eyes as I yet again come to the realisation that I will never be able to speak to her again. We will never be able to laugh and joke, I will never be able to touch her skin or hold her. Never again, for I am now only a soul without a body, destined to travel the world unseen and unheard for the rest of eternity. I kiss her forehead slowly; well aware that neither of us can feel it before I stand and slowly walk out the door, my eyes never leaving the girl that I love and the girl of whom once loved me.

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