Chapter 1

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Master Cyclonis managed a narrow escape from both Aerrow and Piper, her only escape now... the door. She flew through the hanger doors of the now descending Cyclonia and hurriedly mounted the steps that led to the portal. Nothing was going to stop her from crossing borders.

"Cyclonis!" Aerrow yelled from behind her, forcing her attention to temporarily divert from the door.

"You're not getting away this time!" Aerrow pointed at her, after landing on the hanger bay, with Piper floating behind him, determination in their eyes.

"Then come and get me." Cyclonis hissed at him, before turning and finally walking through the portal door. Before pursuing the chase, the duos attention shifted to the direction of the sound of the Condor, signalling its presence outside the hanger. It soon, drifting to its side to lower and land, presenting Junko, Finn and Radarr.

"Thought you two might need a lift" Finn smiled. Feeling the pride of Cyclonia losing the war.

"No matter where Cyclonis is, she's still a threat. And it's the Storm Hawks sworn duty to go after her!" Aerrow declared, pointing at the door, still glowing purple.

"Ummm. I really don't think the Condor is gonna fit" Stork stressed, gesturing at the size of his home. Piper, looked into her bag of crystals, searching for the gem that could most likely solve their problem. Rummaging through the bag, she finally pulls out a green stone.

"Oh it'll fit, trust me". Piper sneered, looking at the green humming crystal with pride, before boarding the ship . Aerrow soon joined her, following her lead as all prepared for their departure.

Leaving Cyclonia to fall to the wastelands. Piper used the green stone with the help of an enhancer stone to increase the size of the portal, 1000 fold. The door, now much bigger, could fit the airship through it.

Only one problem. It was a one way trip. The squadron looked at each other in question, are they going to leave everything behind? They all turned to Aerrow for guidance, for which he returned with a purposeful expression, reminding them all of their sworn duty. There is no turning back. They had to catch Cyclonis and make her answer for her crimes.

"Stork, take us through." Aerrow smiled. Stork saluted before pulling the lever to start the Condor into forward flight. The Condor soon sped straight for the portal. Going straight through it, light engulfed the entire ship and everyone in it, before enclosing on it self with a big flash.

The squadron lowered their arms as the bright light receeded, revealing a strange new world. Astonishment consumed their expressions as they bore in wonder of this new land. It looked very much different to Atmos, more green and less developed but definitely inhabited. Sounds of various calls of strange creatures intrigued them as they flew more and more into their new adventure, seeing creatures flying from all sides, with a glowing river underneath them and cliff like structures surrounding them. Dead ahead of them, a monolith with a glow in its centre.

"Dude!" Finn gasped.

"Rrrrrruuggh" Radarr smiled excitely, barely containing himself whilst sat on Aerrow's back.

"This is gonna be fun" Aerrow gleamed, also just barely containing his excitement. Finally, a new place to explore, a new place to learn about. A place to make history.

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