Chapter 2

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The squadron couldn't tear their eyes away from the beauty of this new world. The bright green-blue sky has scattered with stars from the incoming night's entry. The glow from the tower now also dimming to allow more of the developed city to be seen. The cliff like structures were peppered with lights. Maybe they can find a place to land.

"Umm, guys?" Stork peered from the helm to face the others. "I understand the whole "It's our sworn duty to go after Cyclonis" thing..." he started, a little hesitant to finish his statement, "but we won't be going anywhere anytime soon without supplies." almost prepared for a doomsday speech if they thought otherwise. 

"That's right. We don't even have our rides." Aerrow thought hard about their next move. They know nothing of this world, it can be hostile for all they know. After a long, hard thought about it, he turned to his comrades.

"We'll have to land and do some recon. That way we can save some of our resources and find out where we are" Aerrow ordered, explaining his plan before assigning jobs. He looked at everyone as he spoke. "Piper, you look for a safe place for Stork to land. Finn, look for any hostiles that may be around. And Junko, have a look if we have anything left for transport and weapons". All saluted back at him and got to work. Stork tapped the bridge console, no signal from the TimePulse, meaning their navigational instruments are useless, he started a slow descend to the ground. Piper and Finn, scouted below through the periscopes, and Junko headed for the hangar. Radarr stayed on Aerrow's shoulder, allowing giving him a second pair of eyes just in case. 

"Found a good spot, looks like there are no possible threats" Piper stated, still looking through the scope.

"I second that" Finn states after her, a slightly irritated look creeping onto Piper's face. Stork nodded in agreement, whilst landing the Condor. Once landed the Squadron prepare to disembark. Junko returns from the hanger with the spare weapons that the squadron hid in the ventilation of the airship.

"Well, we only have our backup weapons but the Cyclonians destroyed all our Skyrides" Junko started, handing everyone their weapons. "But I don't think we should use our weapons"

"Junko's right, for all we know, our crystals may not work here, or we may not be able to find anymore. Let's keep it is worst case measure." Piper interjected, pointing her finger up for emphasis.

"Right, everyone stay sharp. We don't know what kind of creatures we would find. So stay close and look for supplies." Aerrow stressed to everyone, making sure everyone understood the plan. "Ok, let's go."

The hangar doors opened, leading a ramp down to the ground. The squadron made their way down to the ground before scouting for the most likely route to civilization. Their environment looked harsh, all dull rock with tall spiked structures. The squadron paced around the Condor, before heading for a clearing.

"Remember, stay sharp" Aerrow whispered, leading the way. They skimmed their surroundings, Radar being on Aerrow's back to try and get a better view. Nothing. It was quiet, so quiet that it made them all feel uneasy. Even when the sounds of the creatures ceased. Something was wrong, and this definitely looked like the way to the tower, it could be seen.

"Aerrow, I don't like this, it's too quiet" Piper nervously spoke, being careful not to be too loud.

"Piper, we need supplies, and I don't think we should split up when we have no coms." Aerrow whispered. Piper slowly nodded before settling her nerves and continued moving. The sooner that got out of the creepy cavern, the better. Soon they reached a clearing, the cliffs of either side of them subsided.

"Aerrow, do we know where we're goin'?" Junko whispered.

"No" Aerrow replied, keeping his eye on the clearing. Something definitely wasn't right, and his instincts were screaming it. "Something's wrong here, everyone look around". The group formed together with their backs facing each other, keeping as many blind-spots covered, weapons drawn. All kept an eye out, though Stork stayed in the middle, almost cowering. The tension was agony, slowly giving them all a headache from the constant anxiety of something coming to attack them.

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