Chapter 8

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A long silence held the room at a stand still, Aerrow hanging onto it, waiting for Astra to pick herself up and say something cheerful and motivational. Something, anything to show she still had life in her. 

"I just don't know if I want to do this anymore" she finally spoke, sighing in exhaustion. Skye remained silent. How do you convince someone who clearly has no choice in a role, to just keep their spirits up and keep going?

A few shuffles and shadows were appeared, nearing the doorway, sending a panic stricken Aerrow hiding behind the corner. 

"The White Fang will always be around, Astra. You care for the people way too much. There was a time when you knew that." Aerrow peeped round the corner, seeing Skye leave the room, no Astra in his sight. After that statement, Skye continued walking back to the bridge. Perfect timing. 

Taking a deep breath, Aerrow walked out from his hiding place and made his way in the room, finding Astra had moved from the floor to sitting up staring out of the window. 

"Um... Hey" Aerrow straightened up, continuing to move forward until he sat next to her, her eye contact never meeting his, continuing to look out at the view. 

"Everything is so peaceful, and yet the shadows that were once dormant will start moving again." Aerrow's heart felt like breaking at her bleak outlook. He moved closer to her, commanding her attention, her eyes now focused on his, though her face slowly retreating backwards.

"Astra, we will find her, and we will get her out of your kingdom. That is something I promise you, and as a Sky Knight, my word is everything." His eyes pierced hers as he spoke. Her eyes lit up slightly and her frown broke into a smile, lifting both their spirits. She still clutched the squadron log in her hands, like a she couldn't let the book out of her sight for even a second. "So, where up to the book are you up to?" Aerrow awkwardly stated, filling the silence. She opened the book once again and flipped to the page she saved, before turning to show him.

"To when you spent five days in bed rest." She giggled, clearly knowing the entertaining parts of the story. "So, Cyclonis tried to immobilize you by removing the healing crystal that was plugged into your cast?" She too tried to fill the silence, placing the book on the side, preparing for a stand once the conversation becomes underway. 

"Haha, yeah. I had to lay completely still throughout the healing process. Way too much of a challenge for me." Instigating another laugh from Astra. "On the bright side, Finn now makes sure to always be tidy in the hanger bay." Aerrow awkwardly scratched the back of his head. As the laughter died down, the two stood and made their way to join the others back on the bridge. 

Astra walked ahead, but Aerrow couldn't help but think about the comment she made about the Dark Ace. Does Cyclonis know she could potentially bring him back? Could he be stronger than before?

"Astra! Cyclonis has been seen in the nearest village. We're heading over there right now." Piper looked over, the team now buzzing with excitement. 

"Everyone! Suit up! We're gonna take her down." Aerrow said with his game face. 

The alarm in the Condor sounded, waking everyone on the ship, probably even the dead by the volume. The team rushed from side to side, gathering their weapons and supplies needed for the potential battle. The Condor soon pulled into Hwen, landing at a safe distance with Stork left behind to watch/hide/guard the ship.

Located on the Southern side of a mountain, the port of Hwen is home to barbarians lead by Agent Hanson, an ex military General. A previously important part of the royal family's guard. 
This port wasn't built by a mountain by accident, as it has escape routes, which is of great importance to the people of Hwen and its success.

The port itself looks impressive. With its mahogany wood rooftops, oak wood walls and ever clear night sky, Hwen has a pleasant atmosphere. The main attraction is the old bar, which was built 31 years ago and designed by peaceful residents that have now left the port, resulting in its now hurting economy, which is mainly supported by fishing, animal training and other trades. But their biggest strengths are skilled fighters and elaborate blacksmithing. However, Hwen lacks people skilled in beer brewing. Despite its strengths and weaknesses, Hwen is most likely headed towards a horrible future under the leadership of the military agent. But this remains to be seen.  

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