The past

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Violet's pov

I can't believe what I just heard. What does dibs mean anyway? I thought to myself. I was lost in thought thinking about that ridiculous conversation when I heard someone coming so I quickly dove onto the couch and turned on a random channel. I looked over and the entrance and it was just Will. He walked over to the couch and smiled at me before handing my bra back to me. Well at least there is one gentlemen in the house.

"What are you watching?" He asked me while looking over at the TV. I looked up at the TV and saw that How I met your mother was on.

"You dont know this show?" I asked I mean who doesn't know this show it's a classic comedy. Then again I was trapped in my house my whole life so I suppose I could be wrong.

"Nope so what is it?" He asked chuckling slightly as the lead character Barney made a joke about women like always.

"It's How I met your mother." I said blatantly. I know he is going to try to bring up the conversation in the kitchen but right now i'd rather enjoy some tv and not have to deal with any drama. 

"Oh I heard about this show but I never got around to watching it." He said before adding "So did you hear the conversation in the kitchen?" It's like he was reading my mind we were both thinking about that awkward conversation and now it's time to talk about it.

I froze should I say yes and make things awkward or should I just play it off like I heard nothing. If I say yes at least I would be being honest but i'm not sure I want to know about the whole dibs things so I decided just to play it off. I mean what could go wrong with a little white lie.

"No." I said shrugging my shoulders hoping he couldn't tell I was lying. Which of course he could I mean we have know each other for a long time so I don't even know why I bothered trying to lie to him in the first place.

"Really V? I've known you for many years now I can tell when you're lying so how much did you hear?" Well there goes that. I sighed and got ready to muster up my courage and make this awkward situation even worse.

"I wasn't really paying that much attention I heard yelling so I tried to make sure you guys weren't going to kill each other but really all I could hear was something about dibs and I don't even understand what that means." I said.

"Oh ok." He said with a sigh of relief.

"Why? Was there something said that I shouldn't know about? Hm bestie I thought we told each other everything. I mean I've told you everything like how much I hate peanut butter and the first time I got that special lady time which was awful and you weren't much help to be honest." I said teasing him a little trying to make the awkwardness in the room go away.

"How was I supposed to what was going on with your body V! I'm a dude remember?" He said while laughing and gesturing to his body.

"Well you were my only friend so I couldn't really ask anyone else." Well he had one thing right he is defiantly a guy I mean there is no denying that just look at that gorgeous body. He had muscles all in the right places and he knew how to show them off. Violet you are staring. I reminded myself while quickly looking away. I can't help that he's so attractive but I can at least try to behave myself.

"That is true." He said while taking the remote from me and turning it to football.

"Ugh!" I said before laying upside down on the couch. I know everything little thing about football which is why I don't like watching it. "Every time there is a decent team playing like the Miami Dolphins or the Seahawks they will run through the plays flawlessly until the last second and then they will suddenly forget how to play like in the superbowl when the Seahawks should have ran it but instead they threw and missed right at the end of the game." I said frustrated.

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