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"I don't understand why I have to wear this" I grumbled to my mother as she pulled the girly material over my head, the pink dress flowed down from my waist and stopped just above my ankles showing my little black shoes and white frilly socks.

"Ella I told you already that the king was coming to the pack today and we are to show him-

"the up most respect, he is the alpha king and all must show him their submission, I know, I know but I don't understand what that has to do with me wearing this dress." I cut my mother off as I pulled at the suffocating fabric that was drowning me in the color of bubble gum pink.

"now Ella I have told you before he is the longest standing alpha king, and like all males we the women must show our respect, if any male heard to talking like that you'd be in big trouble." My mother spoke in a calm tone but her eyes shown me the  harsh lecture she was giving me. My mother is a quiet werewolf, like most females in the presence of the males, but unlike most my mother wasn't one for gossiping amongst the rest. My eldest sister however lives for the gossip, Alyssa fed off it, she would come home and have all the juicy gossip going around the pack.

As if on cue the blond hair of Alyssa popped in the door way, "well Shelly McGuire said that he's only the longest standing alpha king because he hasn't chosen a mate, and that's all about to change when he sets his eyes on me." My sister gloated, Alyssa was very attractive, a lot of the males fight over her, and as of this year she will be chosen by the highest ranking male who wants her, if two males of the same rank chose her then the male with the larger territory wins her.

"Yeah and then you'll be stuck with a hundred year old mate!" I say as I laugh at my older sister, my laughter ended when a harsh glare from my mother came my way.

"Ella what did I just tell you about speaking that way." My mother spoke out, bowing my head down I hide my gaze from her. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the smirk plastered on Alyssa's face. Even though I was only eleven, I knew that one day I wouldn't be able to do  the things I wanted, I knew that my future wouldn't be that bright simply because I was born a girl. I have no idea why my sister is so excited to be chosen, to be put under all those rules, and demands of your mate. I hated it, I looked up at my mother as she started to untie my light brown locks from the bindings of my ponytail.

"Yeah but he only looks twenty-five, and all the she-wolves want his attention and hope to be chosen by him, little do they know after this year's choosing ceremony he will be off the market!" Alyssa spoke back at me, my mother offered her a small smile as she walked away to her own room to finish getting ready. My mother didn't say anything to destroy my sisters confidence but the truth was, that the chance of being chosen by the alpha king was slim to none.

"the only reason so many she-wolves  want him is for the power." I mumbled under my breath as Alyssa walked out, I felt a nudge and looked to my mother expecting another lecture but instead I found a smirk plastered on her face.

"yes that is what most she-wolves want but the king knows that, which is why he hasn't picked his chosen yet, though he will find her one day." My mother spoke to me, I felt a proud smile come over my face at the fact of being right. I sat back with the smile as my mother continued to comb through my tangled locks.

Although I didn't share my sister's enthusiasm about being chosen, what people said we did share was beauty. We had the same wide hazel eyes and facial structure, but where as Alyssa had blond hair I had light brown. In my own opinion I didn't believe that I could be compared to my sisters beauty, for as long as I could remember she had boys chasing after her, saying they would claim her as their chosen. I never had boys take notice in me and  I'm thankful that, I hated the males and I didn't want to draw attention  to my self in hopes of never being chosen.

Walking into the center of the pack I could see a crowd forming and the scent of unknown wolves mixed with the feel of power flowed around me. Following my mother's Lead as I held her hand we got closer to the growing crowd, some parting the way for us as it became our turn to greet the king to our pack.

Once again I followed my mother's and Alyssa's lead as the kept their eyes to the ground and soon a pair of nicely polished shoes came into my sight, and a smooth voice spoke out. "And who is this?" This was his voice, the voice of the alpha King, I could feel the power radiating off of him. All three of us bowed to him but as my sister and I kept our gaze down casted, I could sense my mother's gaze raise as she prepared to speak to him.

"My lord, I am Rachel Marie, these are my daughters. Alyssa Marie my eldest and Ella Marie." I heard my mothers sweet voice spoke out, I could feel eyes on me, staring at me. It took all of my will power to calm down my curiosity, and another feeling telling me to look up and into the eyes burning into my skin. Rising up we kept our eyes to the ground as both me and my sister wished a safe trip home and  relaxing visit.

As the gathering to welcome the king to our pack the party soon started, my sister wasn't around my mom and I, she was over hanging out with the other she-wolves her age. My eyes would glanced over as I heard them laughing and giggling about coming of age so they can be chosen. But then something else caught my eye, there in the midst of the the crowd of she-wolves was a pair of dark green eyes staring at me, I felt captivated and that's when I noticed why they were in the midst of the females. As realization hit me my gaze shot to my feet in submission. It was the alpha King, and I made the mistake of looking into his eyes. I awaited the punishment I would surely revive but after minutes passed none came. I looked up at my surroundings only to find my mother standing by my side smiling at everyone who passed by us.

I didn't chance looking back his way, I didn't want to anger the king, but my sister was right he didn't look older than twenty-five,  he's eyes were captivating, I was almost entranced in them, and that was dangerous for me, a female who is suppose to submit to all males and never look at a high ranking male in the eyes out of respect.

Those green eyes were cold looking, almost empty of emotions. To be honest it was completely terrifying to look into, knowing the power that is behind them.

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