Chapter 9

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"I need you."  Instantly my cheeks turn a harsh tint of red, and I look away.

"What for."  I could barely speak, I didn't know why I had to be this way around him but I didn't like it, I didn't like not feeling in control.

" I've been looking for you, you weren't in the dinning room, nor in your room." He voice was angry and I couldn't tell if it was with me or someone else.

"Yes, I was with your mother. She just dropped me off here, sorry for entering but I knocked twice and didn't hear a conversation going on so when I peaked my head in and saw no one was here I entered." I said trying to explain to him where I was, though I felt like I should be aloud in his office if I am to be his queen.

" yes, yes. That's fine but right now I need you."

His voice was firm and carried over to my ears hurriedly. "Why? What for?"

"Alpha Tyrone is here. He was a great friend of my fathers, he was offered the beta position here but turned it down saying that his pack needed him. Anyways seeing as we are close to him and his family I need to introduce you to them. I need you to please be on your best behaviour. I will not tell you this again."  He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

He as looked stressed so I just stiffly nodded my head.  "I do apologize, but we weren't expecting them." He added as he motioned for me to come along. 

Taking my hand he quickly guided me through the hallways until we came to a larger sun room that was more open and he headed towards the back of the room. Stopping he quickly pushes me against the wall.

Staring up at him wide eye I watch as he leans into me, his forearm rested on the wall above my head and his other hand placed in a fist beside me. I watched him wide eyed, as he leans his head forward into my neck. I stayed still shocked at what he was doing and when I felt him inhale my neck I started to push against his chest. But he quickly stilled my movements my placing a kiss against my neck before moving his lips to brush against my ear.

"Tyrone is very... Old school. He will not like the fact you have not been claimed yet, and will not take well if you do not behave. I'm telling you this for your benefit as a warning." His minty breath mixing in with his natural woodsy  sent was mixing up my signals. He smelled good. His body started to feel good against my own and  - no stop thinking that.

Quickly I turn red as I try one last time to push him away but he doesn't budge, looking at him out of the corner of my eye I watch as he pulls back from my neck looking down at me, pupils dilated. Shit.

"Come along Ella." His voice was rigid, almost sounding forced. Once again I was embarrassed as my own body betrayed me, sending off the smell of arousal to the alpha male in front of me.

Backing up he watches me with dark eyes. "My sent on you should be good enough to hold off Tyrone to ignore the fact you are not yet claimed."  Jason so took my hand and placed it on his arm as he led me on down a hallway at the back of the sun room.  "And by the way, you will be claimed soon. By me." And with that said he pushes open another door, the strong midday sun barring down on me as I realized we were out in the garden of the house.  Looking forward I see that Adeline is already over with the alpha and his family.

They are sitting at an out door dinning table under a shaded structure,  I could see a three tear tray of sandwiches and sweets also there was tea set out for us.

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