Chapter 14

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Thanks to Wolf_Eternity  for the awesome covers!

It was cold. The ground was wet, my head was spinning and I had no idea what had happened. My eyes felt heavy and were sending a horrible pain to the back of my head.  Forcing open my eyelids my vision was blurry and unfocused, placing a hand on my head I close my eyes trying to bring them back to focus.

"Lady Ella."  A gruff voice pounded in my ears, my head was in so much pain and confusion, I force my eyes to open once again. My vision now more clear I notice everything is dark around me and that's when I realize around me was metal bars. No, I was wrong they were sliver bars.

"Luna?" My eyes snap up and I see one of our guards , I watched as his nose slightly flared and he winced, "are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay, but where are we? Where's Ara and everyone else?" I asked the man I had my trust in at the moment.

"I-I'm not sure where we are or where Ara is, but everyone else is dead.." It was with his words the grim question came on the tip of my tongue.

"What happened..."

"We were attacked, they killed some men on sight but took you and the rest of us here..." Forcing the words out he looked at me, and then I looked from him to around us and I see more cages but these were empty.

My hand came up to my mouth covering it in shock, the men had died here. What were they doing to us? Why us? Just then there was a bang and in came in three of the rogues, throwing a she wolf onto floor I let out a gasp, it was Ara.

"Well I see our little queen is awake."  Dirty hands were about to reach for me when I spit at the monster in front of me. "Hmm. I call her boys. The queen is for me only. You have fun with the others." Grimy yellow teeth smiled back at me, his smell was rancid and the smell of  dried blood came off him. It must of been from Ara. A growl escaped my lips at the thought of him hurting my friend. 

"Well what a feisty one the king has picked, I wonder what he will say when he not only hears your missing, but in heat too? Oh that poor king."  His laugh crackled through the room the guard in the cage near me charged at the rogue but the metal of the cage stopped him and the searing sound of birding skin Echoed along with the rogues laugher.

Looking up at the other two rogues I could see the now striped scarring on his face from the metal. The two other men threw food into our cages and a third into an empty one before shoving Ara inside.

I stared at the slop in front of me laying in a heap on the ground in front of me. "Now you better eat up you'll all need your energy for tonight." And with that the door slammed closed once again and the pile of what looked like vomit was going to grow at the sickness I felt at the ideas of what he was going to do to me.

"Don't worry lady Ella we'll get out." The guard spoke softly even though his stare was murderous as he waited for their return.

Sometime later after finding out that Ara was at least Healing the door once again opened and in walked one of the rogues, he wasn't on of the older guys who were here earlier but never the less he was still working with them.

I watched as he walked over to Aras cage And unlock it before walking over to the guards and staring at him. "I don't have much time but please hurry and send help for your friends." And with that he opened the cage. The guard looked at him and stared him down before nodding and shifting as he ran out to the woods.

Almost as if a switch flipped he turned to me and flipped open a phone. "The guard is lose the hunt begins now." The sinister smile that plastered it self onto his face gave me the chills and all in all he was the most creepy of the 4 rogues I've see by far.

A howl erupted through the air and it was followed by more, my eyes shot to Ara to see she was still in no position to fight. "Now, now ladies, I'm going to  let you out and you are both going to shift and run into the night, my friends and I are going to hunt you down, then we'll skin you, and store away any extra to last us." My stomach dropped. They we're cannibals. Literally cannibals, they not only were going to kill us and eat us but they are going to play with there food.

My eyes shot to Ara once again to find her staring off into space towards me. The sound of unlocking of my cage followed and the next thing I knew the young rogue was dead at my feet. I could no longer take this, the idea of being hunted made adrenaline pump through my  veins at an alarming rate.

Running over to Ara I help her up and as soon as we walked out side  I shifted and my wolf let out the loudest and most powerful howl I've ever heard. Not a second longer another powerful howl came from the distance.

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