Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Happy birthday dear Ella, happy birthday to you!" My family sang for me, but it wasn't happy at all, I was turning eighteen today and to know that tomorrow I would have to leave was devastating. Since I have become eighteen I can now join in the choosing ceremony, I've spent enough time not getting noticed by the sexist males in the werewolf society and I'm not going to start getting it now.

Although my sister doesn't live with us anymore she and her own family were here to celebrate my coming of age. Although when she was younger she thought she would be chosen by the king, like my mother and I expected he didn't choose a mate. Alyssa ended up being chosen by a warrior wolf from our pack. They have a son together, and they seem really happy.

Tomorrow was the choosing ceremony, packs from all over the world attend, the males to choose a beautiful female, the females all hoping to be chosen by a high rank or their local love interest. The whole ceremony will take up two days, it's held here in North America, so when everyone arrives the banquet starts, it gives the males a chance to mingle with the females and pick out whom he will choose. After the banquet comes the choosing ceremony the females are ushered into one room, standing in rows so the males can walk the aisles. One male enters the aisle at a time as the others watch from a small platform, Incase someone challenges the male for his chosen female. Then finally there is a dinner to end the day, if your chosen wishes to stay, and as for the females not chosen, they get assigned rooms to sleep in for the night until morning when they are escorted back to their packs.

The males have so much freedom compared to us females, I was taught right from birth to always respect the males, that my proudest honour will to be chosen, and never disobey your chosen male. The females have no say, they do not speak up, and they do not disrespect the males on the subject, because they do not wish to go before the alpha king and tell him or her disrespectful manner of disobeying his chain of command.

Females are told the horror stories of what happens to the females who disobey and rebel against the king, all ending in a gruesome death. As kids when we would have a camp out every boy tried to scare the girls with scary stories, of how the king tortured his victims, how the last thing you see is a monster wolf, and how you can smell the stench of rotting blood from his wolf's breath. I will forever hate the sexist society that we live in, but I have never been in a situation where it was life and death.

While I packed the outfits to wear over the next two days, I made sure nothing was eye catching, enticing or anything that could attract male attention, that should dwindle the chance of being chosen down to a low number, most men want something more pleasing than just a pretty face or personality, they want something that they can seek pleasure from, over and over again.

Finally after finishing the packing the small bag with a change of clothes, and other important things, I dragged my self down the stairs and dropped my bag in the kitchen. Sitting at the table I watched my mother cook, she was distracting her self. She knew as much as I did that if I got chosen I left to my chosen's pack, I would no longer live with my mother. But God help me I was going to do everything in my power to make sure I wouldn't become some sexes males mate. I would return home in two days and hug my mother hello. As I watched her she turned to me, and the tears started rolling down her face.

"My baby," she cried out as she came over to me hugging me in her embrace, "you're my baby you can't be taken from me." She whispers into my hair, I was the youngest, her baby of course she didn't want me to go, and I didn't want to go just as much. My mother knew my feelings of the choosing ceremony, and the sexist males, she knew if if didn't have to partake in this I wouldn't, but I was still her baby, her little girl.

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