Chapter 2

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"Welcome to the choosing ceremony!" A male voice boomed over the entry way, it was a wide space room accommodating all of us off the buss that just arrived, I tried to peek through the crowd to see what the man looked like, I could only catch a glimpse. He was an older man bits of grey were showing through his fading chocolate locks, he had a short stature for a male wolf, but I could feel the dominance radiating off him.

"That's elder Gracie. He's in charge of the ceremonies, and anything to do with males and their chosen." I heard Ara whisper into my ear, I turn to her and then she hooded to the front, looking up I could see his head over the crowd he was tall, and dark chocolate hair adorned his head. The silence that fill the room at his arrival was deafening, it was caused by the heavy feeling of power coming from him. He was the king.

All of the females had the head bowed as he stepped forwards, flash backs hit me from when I was a child, and the green eyes I could never forget. They were dark green like the kind you would find in a spruce tree, they were mesmerizing. My senses kicked forward as his voice spoke out causing me to show the up most respect and submission. I hated that feeling, the feeling of being controlled.

"Good afternoon everyone, I'm sure that your trip here was long, so I'll keep this short. You will be assigned a room, you will have two hours from now to be ready for the ceremony. First before the choosing begins there will be a social event. For those of you who will not be chosen will be free to stay the night in their room before catching the bus in the morning, for those who become chosen your mate can decided whether you stay for the feast or leave." His gruff voice was loud as it echoed the room, I could feel his eyes as they travelled over each bowed head.  "Thank you." And with that the sound of footsteps and a closing door followed, along with it the heavy feel of dominance left as well.

"Now when I call your name you will step forward and receive your room key." Elder Gracie spoke, and soon began calling names, everyone raised their head as they waited for their turn but my eyes stayed locked on the door to the far end of the room past the staircases.

"Ella Marie." The sound of my name brought me out of my stare, and my head swivelled back to the front of the group. Walking forward to the elder, he held a room key out to me. Not making eye contact I bow showing my respect for an elder before gently taking the key form his out stretched hand.

"Thank you elder." I curtsy as I turn back around and begin my decent to the back of the group where I can see the familiar face of Ara.

"Wow you were out of it huh?" She whispered to me, turning my head slightly to look at her I was met with a large smile.

"Excuse me?" I ask confused, I had no idea what she was talking about, pulling her lips together she gave me another tight lipped smile, and wiggled her eyebrows.

"He tends to have that effect on people," she giggled out, laughing at my confused expression. I tried to from words but she beat me to it, " the king is attractive looking, isn't he?" She spoke as she once again glanced away from me.

"I-I was just curious, that's all." I spoke curtly, turning my gaze to the marbled floor. I could never find a monster like him attractive. His views on women disgust me, the fact we have little to no respect because of him is unattractive to say the least, how I could I let my self become curious about such a barbarian.

"Mhm.. I'm sure,"  she smirked, eyeing me quietly from a side glance before turning her attention to elder Gracie.

"Ara-Ara Adonis.." The elders voice slightly shifted, causing my eyebrows to raise as I watched my newly acquired friend as she walked up to him and he eyed her with a slight look of familiarity. Maybe the two have met before, I watched as I could see him mumble something to her before she turned and walked back towards me.  I stayed quiet, biting my tongue from asking personal questions that formed in my mind.

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