Chapter 23

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Question: are you celebrating any holidays? If so which one? And if you are not celebrating one than which holiday is your favourite?


"Daddy!!" The annoying voice of Lucinda echoed the walls as she screeched out. Jason stared hard as the man in front of us, watching and judging his reaction. "Daddy- oh Jason.." the she wolf stopped mid screech as her eyes landed on the male next to me. I watched the she wolf as her posture completely changed, almost an innocent look comes over her and if anyone else were to see her, they'd fall for the false image. Her father watched too as his daughter played victim to the man who just threatened him.

Lucinda quickly removed her eyes from Jason before turning them on her father. Jumping into him as she threw her arms around him, crying into his shoulder. The slight satisfaction I felt was amazing as I seen the bandage on her ear as she turned. A small smirk made it's presence on my lips, before slipping off just as fast. I could sense the disgust coming off Jason as his vision stayed locked on the female. "Daddy! Look what that beast did to my ear!" She exclaimed as her head whipped around to glare at me, "you need to do something about that mutt you have Jason. What queen would act like a filthy mongrel." As if she hadn't already seen that Jason was not in her future she continued to try and best me, to prove her self to him. Shaking my head I couldn't get past the stupidity of the girl who was in her father's arms.

Jason however had enough as a low growl flowed out of him, "Lucinda. I demand that you stop this at once. I am sorry if I had ever led you to believe you'd be a queen, but Ella is my chosen. She will be queen. We are bonded." His scowl seemed to increase as Lucinda's glare at me hardened at his words. "Lucinda!" Jason's voice boomed out bringing her attention back to him. Wide doe like eyes stared up at the magnificent male, still attempting to whoo him.

"Jason... please.. see my reasoning behind-

"No. Lucinda stop this. I've already spoken to your father. He too has been warned of this behaviour." Lucinda turned once again, sending her pleading eyes up at her father.

"Daddy?... can't you tell him? Tell him I'm the best choice." The girl had to be delusional, Jason just warned her, and her father. Holding her father by the arms Lucinda waited for him to say something, anything, that would help in her favour. But the alpha turned his head from his eldest as Jason's words that were embedded in the mans mind, the promise of punishment if he didn't stop.

The doe eyes landed back on Jason's hard green ones. I stepped back this was for Jason to deal with, he was the one who had to end this as as Lucinda batted her teary eyes once more at him, she spoke. "Please. Please. Jason. Choose me. I know you don't want her, I know I would be better suited. I love yo-

"Lucinda. I've tired to stop this time and time again with you but you only seem to ignore my words of advise." Jason's words were calm as he let out a heavy breath before deeply inhaling through his nose, " 30 days." Lucinda's eyes only seemed to widen as his voice continued, she looked back at her father whom was still looking away almost ashamed of his own daughter. No one was helping her as she looked for someone to. "30 days in the cage." Jason's voice was harsh this time, dishing out her punishment, for disrespecting him, and me, fighting against the future queen and everything in between.

Alpha tyrone whiles his head back at this point, staring at Jason, astonished that he was punishing his daughter. I guess I would be shocked too, it's not often that wolf's with a ranking family get placed in the cage. The cage was a small sliver chain linked fence that had only one thing in it. A dog house. It was more commonly used on the teenagers who acted out or committed crimes, this was a punishment made for embarrassment. The person would be put in the cage in their wolf form, they could change back but were still treated as a mutt for the time of their sentencing. I lowered my head some hiding my smirk at the she wolf. Jason picked a well suited punishment for her, she lived for her rank among the females and what a better way to punish a person like that then to put them as the lowest of the low ranks, a mutt.

Lucinda looked heartbroken, a harsh glare was once again sent my way, as the smell of jealousy wafted into my noise. I felt the warm of Jason's hand as he placed it on my hip pulling me close to him, as a final show that his decision was final. Nothing could change that. Tyrone lowered his head as he bowed to Jason. "My king." He spoke as he then took his leave dragging behind him was his smashed pride.

"Lucinda," her head peeked up as Jason spoke her name, probably hoping her would change his mind. "Shift." Her hope was quickly shattered with one word as he shoulders dropped and she slowing shifted to her tawny wolf whom was missing an ear. Head lowered she waited for Jason to place a leash and collar on her to lead the way outside to the kennel. "Ella will lead you. It is only right as it was you who disrespected her." At these next words the submissive tawny wolf bristled, letting out a growl as he stared me down. A knock on the door brought my attention and hers away from each other as a servant came in handing Jason the choke collar and leash.

Walking towards her, Jason slowly watched her as Lucinda started to become once again submissive. That said a lot and you could tell it bother Jason. It showed that she respected him and accepted him as her leader but not me. She and her wolf were on the same side when it came to me. But as Jason slipped on the metal collar it seemed that they became torn, he wolf now not wanting Jason as he placed sliver around her neck. The click of the hook was all it took for her to realize that this was really happening. I kept my eyes on the two of them as Jason lead her over to me, before handing me the leash which I happily took.

I guided the she wolf down the hall ways, and stairs as workers and visitors watched. The tawny wolf fighting it the entire way. Soon we reached the sitting room which held he family, she caught hard, pulling against the leash, trying to stop me from the disappointment of her family's eyes, but Jason wasn't having it as he gave her a little kick to her rump, forcing her to co continue. We entered the room, Lucinda in tow, with her tail between her legs and her head lowered in embarrassment. I heard the slight gasp from her mother as she looked from Lucinda to Jason; who had his arms crossed in indifference. However her sister sniggered at her older sister on a leash, her brother looking once again for an escape route as he didn't want to be a part of this. Or see his sisters punishment.

I quickly headed towards the door dragging the wolf as she struggled in the grass, as I pulled her towards the three cages Jason had on his territory. My old pack was much smaller and only had a post, which was sort of the same idea only in the cage you're not tied up. I watched as she looked away from the warriors who were laughing at the fallen she-wolf. I stayed quiet as I opened the metal door that I was able to touch, before pushing Lucinda inside and removing her leash, she quickly made a run inside the dog house, hiding in shame of her self.

I walked out quickly closing and locking the cage before turning to leave. I look back over my shoulder at the cage before turning around as the smell of Jason filled my senses.

"Ella. We need to talk."


Hello everyone! So sorry for the bit of delay on this chapter, it was a bit hard since I had to finish getting read for the holidays!
Thank you for all the votes and comments! I hope you guys enjoy the new chapter, please continue to vote, comment and follow! It would mean a lot, also check out my other werewolf stories;

Natural Selection

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