Where it all started

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3 Years ago
" Come on Papi," I begged my dad with a pout "it's only one party! I'm 21 for god sake don't I deserve to have a little fun?" He looked at me with a stern facial expression.
"Leilei don't take the lords name in vain I know you're 21 I was there the day you were born!" He shuffles through papers on his desk dismissing me. "fine I'll stay in the house forever with you and mama and never have a life of my own!" I scream slamming the door. I swear if it's not about church or school my dad doesn't want to hear it. I sulk into the kitchen to see my mom preparing dinner. She smiles at me softly while seasoning the chicken . "Mija don't be so hard on your father he just wants what's best for you and your sisters" she says softly. I look at her my facial expression softening. " I know Ma but sometimes it feels like I'm still a child. I'm an adult my life can't revolve around what he wants me to do" I sit down on the chair watching her. My mother really is beautiful, she still looks like she's 30 even though she's in her 50's. I get up to kiss her on her check.
" I appreciate everything you and papa do for me" I pause for a second " and I hope to look as good as you in my old age." She gasps and swats my butt as I exit the kitchen " I'm not old Le!" She calls out after me I chuckle walking up the stairs into my bedroom. My phone buzzes on the bed next to me, I glance at the text from Esme saying I have to go to the party it's the talk of the city right now. I mean one party isn't going to hurt me, my dad doesn't have to know. I push through the clothes in my closet deciding what to wear I stop at a red dress I hide all the way in the back so no one would see. Grabbing it I shove it into my bag with some essentials for the night. Bouncing down the stairs I stop at everyone sitting in the kitchen " I'm going to Esme's for the night since I'm not allowed to go have fun, I'll be back later" I say receiving a displeased look from my dad. Running out the house before anyone has a chance to stop me I hop into my car and speed off to Esme's house . Driving the short distance gave me time to think about my dads reaction if he found out I was about to go to a club. He'd kill me I came to the conclusion as I parked my car outside of my best friends apartment. She greeted me at the door with a huge smirk.
"Hey pretty," she grinned ruffling my already curly hair. I push past her smacking her hand down and dropping my bag on her stairs.
"My dads going to kill me" I state with a frown. She gives me a serious look grabbing the bag I had forgotten was there she glanced inside as her face split with a grin.
"Let's go put this on you before you change your mind." Dragging me upstairs she proceeds to get me ready for tonight I can't seem to focus on anything until she step backs to admire her work, "You're gorgeous!" I stare in the mirror at myself thinking my parents would have a heart attack if they saw their baby girl in this red dress that molds to my body like a second skin with a back that was barely there, I glance over to see Esme already ready grabbing her keys she rushes me out the door. "You're going to have fun tonight trust me." She says starting the car and speeding off in the direction of the club . I groan as I look at the line of people waiting to get into Toxic. The name of the club should of stopped me dead in my tracks. "Come on Vinny is the bouncer he'll let us in" she states pulling me in the direction of her bully cousin holding the rope up for us. " you're the best." She smiles kissing him on his cheek with me right on her heels. The mission tonight was to have fun and not be a silent church mouse. Glancing around at all the bodies grinding on the dance floor I get a sense of euphoria, grinning I pull Esme to the bar and order two rounds of shots. "Let's dance!" I scream over the music throwing back my last shot I pull Esme onto the dance floor. She smiles at me while wiggling her hips to the beat, I throw my hands up moving my body in sync with her feeling all my worries drain my body.
"Look over there!" Esme screeches pulling my arm as I notice two guys making their way over here. My heart beats faster as I get a better look at one of them.
"Esme," I say worry etched into my voice "that's King." I whisper her eyes go big every single step they get closer to us.
" It looks like you've seen a ghost" King's deep voice drowns out the music as he looks between both of us. I breathe out and force a smile.
"What's your name?" He says looking at me with a smile that could make me do anything for him.
"I-I'm Leilani" I stutter putting my hand out for him to shake, he stares at me hard I put my hand back down to the side feelings like an idiot.  His deep chuckles feels the air around me and makes it hard for me to breathe as he leans in and says,
" Such a cute name for a gorgeous woman" I nod my head at his compliment and look over and see Esme in a heated lip lock with his friend shaking my head I look back at King. His name states everything his is, filled with power.
"You don't talk much,"he observes I nod my head again at him rubbing my arms as an uncomfortable feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. "You seem nervous, you scared baby?" He says leaning into me to look in my eyes. I gasp and push him back " Don't call me that, you don't even know me." I say walking away from him. He grabs my arm gently "I'll see you again baby" he states letting go of my arm and pulling his friend behind him as Esme slips a paper into his hand grinning at him. In that moment I should of ran out of the club and away from him but something intrigued me I don't know if it was the rumors I hear about his vicious personality or the way his voice made me feel. At that moment I knew I signed a deal with the devil himself.

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