Warming up

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"King!" I called through the seemingly empty housing, tossing my keys on the table I peeked down the hall before raking my hand through my hair.
Two whole days have passed since I told king I wanted to give whatever this is a try. Two whole days and he hasn't mentioned my text not once. I've seen him in passing but never for more then ten minutes and I was fed up with it.

"King!" I shouted again before whipping out my phone to call him.

"Sup Ma" his voice rang through the phone causing my heart to flutter.

"Are you coming home tonight?" I questioned while his sigh filled my ears.

"Yes Lei sorry I know I haven't spent a lot of time with you, I'm just getting caught up in all this stuff. But for you I'll put it on hold and be there in ten minutes." He said before hanging up.

I hated feeling so dependent on his company but with my family not talking to me and Esme spending every free minute she has with her man he's really the only one I have. Groaning I make my way into the kitchen to start dinner.

"Wassup beautiful" King drawled pulling me away from the stove and pressing a warm kiss go my cheek. "What you in here chefin' up?" He questioned looking into the pots before his face lit up with a smile. "You know the way to a nigga's heart I swear." He said placing a hand on my waist.

A small smile touched my face, who doesn't love homemade chili? "Go sit down I'll make you a plate." I say shooing him to the table, "Make sure you wash your hands papi." I say quickly turning back to the table. Silence greeted me glancing behind me I see the biggest smirk ever.

"I'm daddy now?" He questioned me before turning around to take a sit.

I felt my cheeks redden as I carry his plate to him and take a seat.

"It was just a joke Ma, but you could call me daddy if you wanted to" he said chuckling as my cheeks turned more red.

"You live to make me uncomfortable." I mumble to him as he places his finger under my chin.

"Don't ever talk with your head down baby girl. I was just joking you know that. Plus it sounded sexy when you said that. You can come out your shell around me. I like you like this" he said honestly before removing his hand and taking a spoonful of chili. A groan tore from his throat as he looked at me in amazement. "You can cook like this? You ain't going nowhere now. " he said appreciation lacing his tone.

"What did you do all day?" I questioned taking a bite of my food too.

"Just some stuff in the office then I had to go to the warehouse." He said his demeanor changing slightly.

"The warehouse?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, the boys called about some bullshit that I had to go handle. How was work?"

"It was alright I guess. Still no improvement on the case I'm working on right now. I'm racking my brain trying to figure it out." The number of young teenagers getting murdered keeps going up. I've had ten cases in the last week and still no one knows anything about it. No weapon has been found in any of the killings and it's all been with the same gun. I just don't understand how someone can invoke this much fear in a whole community.

"Hey, you're going to figure it out Ma. Don't be too hard on yourself" he smooths the lines creasing on my forehead.

"Thank you for that." I whisper to him. In a strange way he calms me down with just his words.

"Are you all done I can't wait to crawl into bed I saw this movie on Netflix I'm dying to watch." I say grabbing his bowl before he can say anything and dragging him towards the room.

"Give me your phone" I say to him holding out my hand. He lifts an eyebrow at my bossiness before placing his iPhone in my hand. "The other one too King." I say tapping my foot he groans before placing two more phone in my hand.

Who carries three phones? I shake my head at him as he shrugs his shoulders at me before removing his shoes and diving into the bed.

"What movie do you want to watch?" He questions going through the recently added movies on Netflix until I point to one. He groans at the movie.

"Seriously Lei?" I smile as Save the Last Dance starts.

"Shh it's my favorite movie!" I say in protest I feel him smile against my shoulder. Before his eyes meet mine. The movie dulled out as we stared into each other's eyes.

His hands made their way up my arms to grab my chin and bring me down to his level before he stared at me longer. I could see he was gauging my reaction before I closed the distance and placed my lips on his.

The world slipped away as I heard his quiet groan pulling me on to his lap he nipped at my bottom lip. Anxiety tore through my body, ripping my lips away from his.

"Look at me," he whispered softly turning my face towards his. "Don't be nervous tell me if I'm moving to fast for you" I watched his lips as he spoke to me. I never felt that emotion before I couldn't even put my finger on it. When his lips touched mines again I felt a sense of calmness. I felt at home with him in this unfamiliar position. Slowly opening my mouth to his exploring tongue a soft moan left my throat at the taste of him. He softly suck on my tongue before I placed my hands on his shoulder pulling away slowly for air.

My first kiss placing a finger against my lip I turn away from his so he wouldn't see the blush decorating my cheeks. "That was nice." I say softly avoiding his eyes.

"You sure you never kissed anyone before? You're kind of good at it" he said chucking before pulling me into his chest to finish watching what was left of the movie.

"I like you." I said into his chest feeling his calming heartbeat against my back. I like him, that was quite possibly the scariest thing in the world.

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