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The whole ride home I was unsettled. King was a well known drug dealer he's known for his vicious personality. That didn't stop the excitement pooling deep in my stomach at the thought of seeing him again. Slowly entering my house I made my way up to my room only to be stopped by my father sitting on my bed.
"What did you really do tonight?" He questioned disapproval lacing his facial expression. He stands up and walks to me,"Leilani I know you're an adult but, you still live under my roof. I expect you to do things as I say and not disobey me." He says looking at me hard before closing my door.
Sunday hit me like a ton of bricks, searching through my closet pulling out a long floral print dress and white flats I make my way down stairs.
"Good morning Leilei" my little sisters greet me. I smile at the younger versions of me. My sisters are triplets with the same face yet complete different personalities. Lucinda is outspoken and a tad bit of a tom boy she swears she's the oldest just because she came out 5 minutes earlier then the other two. Lea on the other hand is timid. The baby of the group Lillyana was a firecracker. I ruffle all the thirteen year old girls hair placing a soft kiss on all three cheeks.
"You ladies all look so pretty" a chorus of thank yours follow my statement as my mother looked at me.
"Late night mija?" She says with a knowing tone I groan at her raising a pancake to my mouth, I moan as the delicious taste of pumpkin fills my senses.
" Come on Mama you've been twenty one before! I need a life!" She looks at me softly coming to whisper in me ear.
"Baby girl you have a life. You're a good girl with a good head on your shoulders and loving devoted parents, don't forget that." She says patting my head softly before gathering all of our stuff to go meet papa at church.
Everyone Sunday is always the same. Being a pastor's daughter is far from an easy task, you always have to be on you're best behavior to make your family look good. You always have to sing in the choir. That's my favorite part of church, it's the only time I can use my god given talent. I always looked up to singers and aspired to be them when I grew up. Only to have my dad say no all singers sing about are sins how would that make me look.
Groaning glancing around the church I take my place in the front of the choir and get ready to start them off singing, our welcoming song. As the song neared its end my father appeared in his black robe, holding his hands up to silence the filled church. I looked around with a look of pride. My father started this church once we moved from Colombia five years ago and every Sunday the church was completely filled, people stood up in the back when there was no seats just to hear my father preach.
" Can we all say Amen" my fathers voice boomed as he looked around when a chorus of amen's rang through the church. " Our Lord woke us all up today, we all have a purpose to praise his name. Not just on Sunday's," he pauses closing his bible "Sunday is labeled as the lords day but that isn't quite right. Everyday you wake up and open your eyes and take that first breathe is gods day." Another round of amen's ring out. " Everyone who knows me knows I wasn't always a godly man, but won't God do it! He blessed me with a beautiful wife and four gorgeous daughters. That brings me to our topic today, forgiveness" he steps back from the podium and squats on the stage. I love that he does that it makes him seem just like everyone he brings himself down to their level and speaks from his heart. "If God can die for our sins why do we cast out other people for their sins?" He pauses before climbing off the stage and walking around,"For example when people gossip about the young girls having babies out of wedlock, the spouses cheating on each other, people who commit crimes, it's time for everyone to stop judging people for their mistakes made in the past. If God didn't forgive sinners heaven would be empty!" He taps Ms. Kennedy on her shoulder giving her a small smile while squeezing her shoulder, I wave at her from the stage. Annalise Kennedy is a close family friend she's best friends with my mom they grew up in Puerto Rico together and both came to Colombia and fell in love. She's like part of the family. "Would everyone open their bible to Matthew 6 lines 14 and 15, for if you forgive others their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you no forgive
others their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses."
The rest of the sermon past quickly with my father talking about forgiveness and finding peace in it. I smiled proudly at him at the end giving him a tight hug, "I'm so proud of you papa" I whispered in his ear placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you mija, I just want to be the best me I can be for my girls" my father is always thinking about us in everything he does. Everyone is right when they say a little girls daddy is her first love, because he's mine. I excuse myself quickly feeling my phone vibrate in my purse.
"Garcia I know it's Sunday but I need you to come help me with a new case. I'll pay you extra" my bosses impatient voice booms through the phone I groan in annoyance at him silently.
"of course I can come in and help you" I say quickly hanging up and making my way to my car to take the short drive to the private agency I work at I'm greeted by my bosses head hanging over a file.
"Hey boss," I greet taking a seat across from him " what can I help you with?" He pushes the files to me with a sigh.
" I'm at a loss with this case I swear." He says quietly I look at the file.
A young teen shot and left for dead in the front of a deli right in the city at 9 o clock at night. Of courses there's no witnesses. Or no one willing to talk.
"Isn't this case one year old? I remember this being on the news." I look up at him as he nods.
"His mom wants answers. He was a good kid straight a's in school, helped take care of his younger sister. I just don't get it what person do you know goes to sleep at 9 o clock in New York ? Someone heard gun shots. Someone saw this little boy get killed and no one wants to talk." He says frustration lacing his tone as he hangs his head.
"Don't beat yourself up Glenn," I say frowning at him "you're good at this, but we can't win them all. Justice will be served to whoever killed this little boy." I say closing the file and moving it to a separate drawer for the cases even we can't seem to close. Saying goodbye to him I quickly grab my bag and head out the front door to only be stopped by the devil himself.
"I've been looking for you." King says with a smirk on his face.
I move slowly in the other direction keeping my eyes on his hazel ones shining with amusement.
"I swore I told you I get what I wants. Always." He says walking towards me with his smirk still attached. It should be a sin for someone to be as attractive as him.
" You never told me your name last night, you're lucky my friend has a soft spot for your friend or else I might not of been able to find you little Leilani." I gasp not at the fact he knows my name but at the fact that Esme is telling him of all people my personal business.
"What exactly are you doing here?" I say irritation filling my voice.
"I didn't notice you're accent last night, it's sexy. Where are you from?" He questions me. Losing my patience I push him out my way and head to my car.
"What exactly are you doing here? I'm pretty sure this is called stalking" he looks at me before looking around and pointing at a building across the street.
"Actually I was just leaving work and saw you and I though maybe it was luck so I had to talk to you" he said standing between me and my door. I groan at him, "what do you want King? I really have to go home" he quickly steps out of my way putting his hands up with a huge smile on his face.
"Actually I don't want anything I just wanted to give you this," he says pushing a little piece of paper and my hand and turning to walk back to his black truck before turning around " and to tell you you're a gorgeous woman" he finishes getting in to his truck and speeding off leaving me standing there looking after him like an idiot.

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