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I can't believe he kissed me, who does he think he is? Slamming the door to the bar I pace the parking lot remembering I rode with Esme. What am I suppose to do now I think plopping on the bench outside. I can't walk back in there after i just stormed off. The door next to me opens and I look up to see King staring at me. I glare at him as he sits down next to me.
"I didn't mean to make you mad or offend you Ma," he says looking at me softly "It was really all a show." He says looking into the parking lot I groan as I turn to him.
"So playing with my emotions is a game to you?" I hop up so I'm standing over him and put my finger in his face "I don't find you funny at all!" He starts laughing at me pushing my finger down.
"Who knew you had all this attitude church girl?" He swiftly stands up so he's towering over me, "I wasn't playing with your emotions. I think you're gorgeous and you can sing," he pauses staring into my eyes my stomach flutters as he brushes his hand against my cheek "but you're so wrapped into what other people think and say and what you think is right that you won't even give me a chance to show you how I can treat you." He says softly licking his lips before he brushes past me walking back into the bar. The night wasn't suppose to go like this at all. I'm not suppose to feel giddy whenever he touches me. Pulling my jacket closer to me I try and get the thought of King out of my head. I can't like this man, my father would not approve of this. I sigh before slowly walking into the bar and back to my friends I see Esme grinning at Kings brother rubbing her hands down his arm as he whispers in her ear. I smile at how carefree she is, if she likes someone she goes for it and doesn't care how anyone feels about it. If I could be more like her I would actually be happier but, my family would have a heart attack if I brought anyone home that wasn't up to par. Taking my seat next to King I stare forward avoiding the burn of his gaze. "Lei you did so good up there!" Esme says excited pushing her blonde hair out her face. I smile at her trying to mimick the excitement I see in her light blue eyes. "Thanks girl, are you almost ready to go I really have to get home" I say starting to gather my purse as I feel a hand on my arm pausing my movements I follow the hand up to Kings face. "I'll be expecting a call from you later or a text. You can't run from me forever church mouse" he says bringing my hand up to his mouth to kiss is I gasp as I feel the blush start to creep up my neck. Pulling Esme up from her lip lock I pull her out the door. Pulling my to a stop as we reach her black Audi her eyes search mines with a huge smile as she pokes my stomach "you like him!" She practically screams as I slap my hand over her mouth my eyes getting wide "I do not" I state pushing her out the way and opening the door. She rolls her eyes at me as she gets in the car pulling out of the bar "you can't lie to me. I can see it in your eyes whenever you look at him." I groan in annoyance at my blonde best friend "Let's say I do like him," I start laying my head back against the seat and closing my eyes "how would that look? The pastors daughter bringing home a drug dealer? My dad would kill me" I say bitterly looking over to her for guidance she smiles softly grabbing my hand. "Sometimes you have to say fûck what they think and feel and just go with what makes you happy. You can't live in their shadow forever. You have to blossom and have your own life" I sigh knowing she's right but it just isn't the simple for me. "Anyway," I say attempting to change the discussion " I see you like his brother" she beams at me with excitement glowing in her eyes "Yes! Kye is so sweet Lei I mean when we meet them at the club I gave him my number and we went out and talked for hours at the park and he's just different then the guys I usually date." I smile at her excitement she deserves it. All her relationships were terrible so if she can find happiness in Kye that's perfect. The rest of the ride is spent in silence as we pull up to my house Esme leans over and kisses me on my cheek "Think about what I said Lei at least give him a chance to maybe prove you wrong" she says as I get out her car waving before I step into my house. All the lights were off and it was silent as I place my keys in the bowl next to the door. Quietly walking up the steps I see the door to my parents room open walking into it quietly my dad looks up from the bible in his hand with a slight smile on his face "Finally Mija we've been waiting up for you" he says getting up to hug me "you did really well today leading the choir" I thank him for the compliment as I sit on the edge of the bed staring at my parents, my mom nudges my dad with a smile on her face before looking back at me. I stare back at them in confusion "Ok you two are scaring me what's up? I know you didn't wait for me just to say I did a good job today" they smile at each other before turning to me "Well Leilani we think it's time for you to start dating," I frown back at them as the continue"there's this good boy from church who wants to take you on a date he came to me today and asked me for permission to ask you out" my dad says the smile never leaving his face. I look between them before sighing and saying fine. "He's a good boy Mija never misses a day of church and he's saving himself for marriage just like you so there's no temptation there" my father states as I'm leaving the room. Slowly passing my sisters room I glance in our their sleeping bodies before proceeding to my room to throw myself on the bed. Maybe it's not such a bad idea to give the boy from church a try maybe he'll take my mind off of King. Sighing at the thought of his name even crossing my mind k make my way to the shower. With the thoughts of today heavy on my mind I rinse my body off and brush my teeth changing into my pajamas I climb in bed only to be disturbed my the chime on my phone unlocking it I see a text from an unknown number.
Sweet dreams Ma
Quickly locking my phone I close my eyes as thoughts of hazel eyes drift me off to sleep.

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