First Class and First Impressions

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Akira’s POV

I rubbed my sleepy eye. "Hey Kakashi, how much further to your house?"

"Hmm… just a few miles. Why? Tired?" He glanced up from his stupid pervy book.

It took a minute fir my exhausted brain could comprehend what he said. I looked at him in disbelief nearly walking into a nearby pole.

"Miles? Why is your house so far away? Why don’t you live closer to everything?"

"Sorry. That’s just the way it is and you’re going to have to get used to it." His eyes remained glued to his book.

Back home I thought I had a knack for reading people but this guy… he was just so different from what I knew. First he randomly ‘kidnaps’ me, then he takes me to some old man, during this talk with the old man he ends up adopting me against his will, he then feeds me and now I’m expected to march for miles. Something is wrong with this picture. I feel like I’ve been inducted into the military. Brother would be so proud.

I heaved a sigh. My feet hurt, I hadn’t gotten a decent sleep, or any sleep for that matter, in days and I guess it’s starting to take its toll. I can’t even see straight. Damn blurry eyes.

My pace slowed down letting Kakashi catch up to me.

“How much further?”

“Not too far now.” He glanced discreetly at me. “You look tired.”

“I’ve noticed… It’s too far to walk…” I slumped against a nearby wall. “You can just leave me here.”

“Oh no, the Hokage told me to keep an eye on you. Our enemies are cunning, I wouldn’t put it past them to send a kid into the village.”

I crossed my arms, I’m not a spy. All I had wanted was a bit of food and I’d be gone. No harm, no foul. But no, they had to drag me into their weird cult activities. “Then why let me go to the academy.”

“Do you want the real reason or the reason the hokage would tell you?”

“Just tell me both.”

“The hokage would tell you he sees promise in you and character. The real reason is to test your capabilities, and discern a threat level for you. If you pass, then I suppose there would be no harm in letting you become a ninja as we can keep an eye on you. Though if you pass and we think your capabilities are a bit unusual we’ll just have to lock you up or exile you.”

“I’d prefer exile thanks.”

“You think you’ll be a threat?”

“No but it doesn’t hurt to get it out there.” I yawned slumping further down the wall. I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and for once I couldn’t stop them.

Kakashi’s POV

He’s asleep… no helping it then. I thought picking him up. Although, I’m really surprised that he stayed awake this long and he seemed fairly energetic all day. He talked back and stood his ground even though he must have been at his limit, poor kid. Wait, if this is how he is when he’s tired, what kind of attitude will I be dealing with when he wakes up?  That’s a scary thought.

It took about 10 minutes to walk home. Normally this would seem like a lot less time because I would read my book, but I needed to keep the kid on my back. I opened the door, slipping off my shoes and carrying the kid passed the dogs into my room. It would take a while to clean out the guest room so I’ll sleep on the couch for tonight and clean it in the morning.

***The next Morning***

Akira’s POV

I knew in the bleary edge of consciousness that someone had grabbed my shoulder. Bits and pieces of the day before rushed into my blood. My eyes shot open. I grabbed my ‘borrowed with no intention of returning kunai’ and held it to the guy’s neck. That was until I fully woke up and saw a wide-eyed Kakashi staring at me. Oops.

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