Attack in the Forest of Death!

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 Hey so I want to know what you think Akira looks like. Send me links to pics please! People want to know what I think she/he looks like in either form, to be honest I don't really know so please send pics so others can get an image of Akira. Thank you.

Akira’s POV

Two days had already passed and my team was getting antsy. Yukari had had more temper tantrums than a three year old kid has had their whole life. Misaki was keeping herself busy by being attentive and trying to weed out some weak teams. So far though, it was fruitless. Even I could feel some of the tension in the air, but I knew that if things got too bad I could just use either of my now very useful scrolls.

‘Okay the summoning scroll should only be used in emergencies and the store-and-go scroll can be used for everything else. Actually maybe we should put our earth scroll in it.’ I turned to the others but before I really had a chance to say anything Yukari began a small rant.

“Where the hell are the other teams!? Why couldn’t they have just attacked us already? I’ve been itching for a good fight since we got here.” She started. “Not only that but there is practically nothing to eat!? I’m starving! Misaki, have you found out what’s edible and what’s not yet?”

“Not yet. So far everything I’ve tested has proved to be rather deadly.”

“And you, kid. What have you been doing? You’ve proven your uselessness faster than I thought. Why can’t you go provoke some teams or something you seem to be good at that.” Yukari grumbled.

“Funny, before you were mad at me for doing just that.” I said lowly.

“Now, now you two why don’t we just sit and rest for a bit maybe it’ll help.” Misaki’s soothing voice calmed Yukari.

And so we sat, we calmed our minds and before long we were right back to where we started as Yukari yelled at me and Misaki tried to calm her. I sighed, why was this so much harder than I originally thought?

“I’m so hungry. Misaki, did you find food yet?” Yukari whined.

“No, this forest is incredibly dangerous even with my advanced knowledge of plants and herbs I can’t find anything.”

“Hey, if we need food I think I know where to get it.” I said calmly.

“What!? Have you had food on you this whole time!? You little pipsqueak, you were holding out on us weren’t you!?” Yukari picked me off the ground and began to violently shake me.

“Yukari! Put him down. He’s getting dizzy.”

She slowly placed me back on the ground and I had trouble staying on my own two feet, “Woah, thanks Misaki. Okay, I’ll get the food. It shouldn’t take me long.”

I took out my scroll and rolled it out on the ground. I made the appropriate hand signs Anko had taught me before our meals appeared out of the scroll. Store-and-go scrolls are awesome! So very useful. I turned to give the others their portions and came face to face with two very shocked teens. We were a few inches apart and they kept glancing from me to the food before Yukari got a look of pure bliss then she took her food. Misaki thanked me politely before doing the same. This routine of me summoning food went on until the next day. We were about 3km away from the tower and still hadn’t gotten a heaven scroll. Luckily for us, a fight was well on its way.

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