A New Face

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Sasuke's POV

'So, this is the new kid.' I thought, 'Hn..he's weak, useless. He hasn't felt true pain.' My hands clenched in front of me. 'He's like a second Naruto.' Those were my first thoughts, but then he started to talk and my first thoughts seemed to go wrong. I watched as the new student got bombarded with question after question.

"What's your name?, How old are you?, How tall are you?, Where do you come from?, What kind of girls do you like?, Do you play sports?, Do you like Konoha?"

He then replied. "Akira. 12. 4'8". Not telling you. Don't really have a kind. I don't normally play sports. Yes."

I raised an eyebrow. 'He answered every question in order, and he didn't even have to get them repeated.' I smirked. 'Not bad.'

The entire class went into shock except for Iruka who looked impressed. Akira began to look uncomfortable under all the stares but he then cracked a smile. I followed his eyes and saw they lead straight to... 'NARUTO!? Why would he smile because of him?'

I couldn't think after that because a huge shriek went up throughout the class. It seemed as though those stupid girls were trying to break the sound barrier. They all started saying that it was them that the smile was directed to and then they argued about it. How annoying.

I began to pay less attention until I heard Akira say, "Actually it was directed towards Naruto." I turned back to watch what was going to happen. I mean no one, absolutely no one, ever payed attention to Naruto.

"What? Why would you smile at him? He's so pathetic and no one talks to him." Some girl, probably Ino or Sakura, said.

I wanted to see how Akira would take to this news. I mean any normal person would just ditch him and be popular, but for some reason I wanted to see this guys' reaction. I expected it to be different. I watched him ask Iruka-sensei if he could choose his own seat. Iruka agreed but not before both him and Naruto became depressed.

'Great, he's no different than any other dumb kid.' At least that's what I thought, in the next instant he managed to surprise me.

He walked up the stairs with girls asking him if he wanted to sit with them. He kept walking past each and every one of them. He surprisingly managed to ignore them all a feat I have a hard time doing most of the time.

'He must have a specific girl in mind that he wants to sit with. Probably thought she was cute or something. Just wait until he finds out the truth about them.' I thought with disgust.

 I was about to look away when he stopped on the stairs and turned to Naruto.

'He's going to rub it in? Just because Naruto can't fix it himself?' I looked away this time feeling a wave of hatred come over me.

"Can I sit here?" He asked. I looked over to see if he was actually...he was. He had asked that to Naruto and with a smile.

"Yeah, Sure!" Naruto replied with even more enthusiasm than usual, if that's even possible.

He then moved to allow Akira to sit between Naruto and me. 'Why couldn't he just sit on the outside?'

The lesson started with nothing out of the ordinary, until I noticed that Akira was diligently taking two sets of notes. I stared at him perplexed. I watched everything he did, trying to find a clue to explain the strange behaviour.  I then saw Akira look towards a sleeping Naruto, that explains it, before looking around the room. He seemed to be taking in information on everyone he saw. He then turned to me. I gave him the coldest look I could manage before he turned away. I felt accomplished.

Akira's POV

It was lunch now and me and Naruto were trying to leave the classroom. Heck, I would be happy if we were able to move from our seats. We had been sitting here not because we're too lazy to move but because these girls won't leave me alone.

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