The Nightmare

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Akira’s POV

“Uh-Oh, stomachs growling. Huh that’s too bad. Oh, by the way,” Kakashi said while pointing his finger up like he just remembered something, even though it was obvious that he was ready to say it from the start.

“About this exercise, Well, I’ve decided, I won’t send any of you back to the academy.”

‘Wait, is he serious…no… something’s off. There has got to be a catch of some kind.’ I glared at him suspiciously.

While the others lived out there possibly short lived happiness, Kakashi noticed my glare.

“What is it Akira?”

“What’s the catch? No way we could have passed. None of us got a single bell and we weren’t exactly…” I looked at the others, Naruto still tied to a post, Sakura trying to hug Sasuke and Sasuke glaring at her. I let out a sigh.  “What you would call organized. So what’s really going on?”

“You’re right.” He addressed the group then “All four of you are being dropped from the program. Permanently.”

His voice had such a menacing edge it was like the first day I met him all over again. Except this time it wasn’t ignorance driving my courage it was anger.

“Drop us from the program!” Naruto practically screamed. “That means that we could never become ninjas. You said if we couldn’t take the bells we’d be sent back to the academy. You can’t just change your mind and kick us out. Why would you do that?!”

“Naruto calm down. You’ll hurt yourself if you thrash around like that.” I said, the venom in my voice made him shut up pretty fast.

 I was trying to remain calm on the outside, but in reality I had never been more furious.  All I wanted now was an explanation, it’s true he couldn’t want to kick us out on a whim.

“You see, you don’t think like ninja; you think like little kids. Like brats.” Kakashi explained.

In a second Sasuke was on his feet and in the next he was beneath Kakashi’s foot.

“You think it’s all about you.”  He continued still stepping on Sasuke’s head.

“Let go of Sasuke! You can’t step on him like he’s some sort of bug!” Sakura practically blew my eardrum to oblivion.

I winced and stuck my pinky in my ear, “God, you can be loud. Don’t worry he’s a sensei, he won’t kill him.”

“You don’t know what it means to be a ninja. You think it’s a game. Huh? Why did you think we put you on squads? Did you consider that question for a moment?” Kakashi called our attention back.

Sakura looked terrified by Kakashi glare so, I stepped in front of her glaring back at him. “Don’t put her on the spot. If you didn’t notice none of us passed. None of us thought about it. You pinned us against each other. But, now we all have a common goal that can be shared equally by all of us.”

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